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Comment Re:All Religions are like that (Score 1) 640

Worship a god that manifests as a vandal? Fantastic... There is a difference between an atheist and an agnostic, there is a difference between a real scientist and one writing "research" for money... I dont believe in a god, i hope that there is something greater than humanity and a life beyond this one, but there is no way that I am going to join one of these mass cults going these days... the only reason they are termed religion and not cult is the number of followers.

Comment Re:All Religions are like that (Score 1) 640

Have you ever heard of a "tithe"? Just because youre not opressed enough by the catholic church as europeans were hundreds of years ago (some still chose to be now...) doesnt mean thats not the foundation of a religion.

I have nothing at all against religion, ones personal relationship with ones god/gods - my problem is, and always has been with organised religion... "lets go with the consens of some people who were born to somewhat similar people in general to my parents/grandparents and go to the same place of worship whenever" - if god is god, why do you need a translator?

Comment Re:ergh (Score 1) 174

if i buy an iPad its for portability, not to use around the house... i have a tv/computer with wireless keyboard in the living room, laptop lying around, iPhone for personal, blackberry for worl... with internet for checking trivial stuff, anything more than trivial i feel i need to get out of bed anyway...iPad just to have around the home? seems like a waste

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