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Comment Re:Jail time (Score 1) 538

Who said she broke laws? Was there a conviction? When was the trial? My issue is with that he jumped past arrested and tried and wanted summary execution of punishment. If you want to see this investigated and tried by all means, but to disallow her due process just because you dont like her, and me pointing out the problem with that is more your problem then me "kissing the heck out of Hillary's backside". But I guess with your "with us or against us" mentality what else would I expect.

Comment Re:I don't get it... (Score 1) 234

Communities and public utilities can already offer service in thief own areas, this change would allow them to offer service in other communities, exchanging their old provider for another, neither owned or controlled by them.

this is not true in these states. Wilson and Chattanooga got grandfathered in because they already built their network before the laws took effect.

If I live in a community that is served electricity by power company A, and power company B in the neighboring community offers internet access that I want, allowing power company B to sell Internet access in the territory served by Power company A isn't 'self-ownership'... If the county next to me offers Internet access and now they can offer Internet service in my county, does my county now control the Internet backbone in our county or does the neighboring community?

You are using a rather limited definition for the work community. I live in NC, near Wilson but outside of any area they will probably service, however I can give you a perfect example of how terribly limited your definition is. I live in an area with the City designation of Garner NC, however I dont live in Garner, because I live across the Wake (Garner's county)/Johnston country line. I can walk to the Wake county side and bike to the city limits, but I am still in that postal area. This is also a fairly large area that straddles the county line. It would be pretty hard to not call my area part of the garner community. We still get a lot of garner names in our businesses and services.

Comment Re: Authority (Score 1) 234

8 pages of rules, 290+ pages of precedent, forbearance, and other non rules. You can see what the rules are on their website, if you actually cared, and did not just want to attack them...

Obama care was also not rushed. If you think the Republicans did not read it you are dead wrong. The we have to pass it to see whats in it comment was talking about the populace, not congress, but again I am sure you dont care about these facts.

Comment Re: nice, now for the real fight (Score 1) 631

If the court said it would have to be CLASSIFIED as a title 2 you would have a point, but it said they would have to reclassify it. That is an apples an oranges comparison to your analogy. It is like telling congress they would have to change law. It implies they have the authority to do something.

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