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Comment Re:Market has fixed the problem (Score 1) 238

"I only found out about that silly limitation when we sent an employee out to do a preliminary wireless site survey. Since he had an iphone he could not." ...but he actually could, unless you sent him out there without even knowing if he had an app for that...something like one of these maybe?

Why were you doing a survey with a crappy phone antenna, anyway? Oh right, you weren't, and you didn't send anybody anywhere to do anything. You're just making crap up to back your rabid fanboidism.

Comment What a creep this guy has turned out to be (Score 2) 435

I feel like a dumbass for buying his bullshit during the elections (I didn't vote for him, but he seemed like a decent guy). I thought Cheney was a straight thinking, honest guy in 2000, too (didn't vote for that pair either).

There should be criminal penalties for lying politicians.

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