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Comment Re:Where's this desire for "nice" coming from? (Score 2) 361

I want to know what is nice.
In short if people don't like you, no matter how good the technology they won't use it. They will accept the idea of inferior technology in order to get better support or at least not feel belittled. Technology suppose to help, if dealing with the expert makes you feel bad then it won't help.

However there is being nice and then there is being a pushover or a yes man. There are ways you can correct people and insure that they are not going to get screwed over.

How many good developers had Linus pushed away because he was a jerk to them. You can disagree with them, and get your way. But the idea if you disagree with one method then all their methods is just being conceded. As if he was just a little nicer, the next contrabution may have been superior.

Comment Re:Joy (Score 1) 360

There are also cool spots on Russia, and China who are also fairly good at denying climate change.

Unfortunately I think this fact makes it much harder to push for climate bills, because it is difficult to explain Global Climate change, when you particular group isn't being affected in that way.

It is like trying to get the US to fight against famine in Africa. We know about it, however because it isn't a common experience we do not feel motivated to do anything about it.


Comment Re:Not Really --- And Rooting For This = Horrible (Score 0) 441

For the most part we really do want big powerful cars. See more, better suited to handle different driving conditions. However gas price, auto price and environmental consciousness tells us to get a small car. For many the trade off for a small car even for low gas prices is worth it. For others it isn't.

The political chearing really is harmful. Many of the climate deniers are not in bed with big oil, but just don't like those liberal hippies. So the more they say they are right the more they will say they are wrong. And a lot of talk about a balanced energy policy has gone down the toilet towards far end winner take all options.

Comment Re:People forget about people. (Score 2) 81

Religions are a group of people with a similar (but perhaps not identical) agenda as you.
Each religion/sect may be working off a particular translation.
Avoiding them because they misaligned with yours means you are closing your mind off to alternative ideas.
Religions had people thinking nearly about issues that are common to the human condition for thousands of year. Most of us, can only think about these things in part time. So going to church to listen to these ideas are enlightening.

Now you don't need to agree with them, but to say I avoid these places because these people think differently than you, is really stupid. You should skip school as well, especially if you don't like your teacher.

Comment People forget about people. (Score 4, Insightful) 81

The problem with these laws is the idea that THEIR Organization is the good guys they figure they will not misuse the information...
However they forgot that their organization is full of people and every person has a slightly different agenda in life. So the gray area between good guy and bad guy will be at different spots.
For some vegans they equate dairy as rape, so they will see they guy who wants a real cheese pizza as some sort of monster who must be stopped.

Comment Lost its way. (Score 3, Informative) 314

I think Radio Shack lots its way.
It use to be a paradise for what we now call Makers.
Except for the bulk of the stuff being cell phones. There were a lot of things that we could use to make and repair our electronics. Wires, Solder, cables. connectors, converters, even a decent set of integrated circuits. When I got my hands on a dumb terminal, Radioshack was the place to go for a null modem adapter, so I can hook it up to my PC. Or to get resisters, breadboard and a capacitor and a parallel connector to make a Parallel 8 bit D2A converter which you can hook up to your PC and have quality sound (better then the beeps of the 2 bit PC speaker)

Comment Re:Pope Francis - fuck your mother (Score 3, Insightful) 894

The problem with free speech is a lot of people do not assign value to their speech.

Now free speech means you can say something negative about someones mother, and blocking this would be harmful, because such a negative comment is meant to prove a point, say they have a life style which is harmful and you feel obliged to point it out.

However the same words used in a different context meant only to hurt is very different. So you insult someones mother only to enrage the person, is in general using your words as violence. So if you get physically hit back, you really can't go free speech, as you in generally just egged the person on to get angry at you.

If you use curse words far more rarely, than when you use them they have a much stronger impact.
Speech is very valuable, the fact that we are restricted from the government for using it. It doesn't mean you have no consequences from it. If you abuse it then you may get additional consequences.

With the issues with the French Comic. As with a lot of satire, they are meant to get you angry first then think later. There is usually more to the meaning then just a blanket insult. But knowing such a topic does enrange some people knowing that consequences from getting someone enraged is often much higher than just getting them angry.

Comment Re:Jury of your peers (Score 1) 303

However is slashdot is any indication. It may be hard to find bias jury of peers on technical topics.
The amount of passion I have seen about topic like Text Editors, Operating Systems, Programming Languages, Data interchange formats... It may be hard to pick a jury of people who knows about this stuff, however is able to make an unbiased opinion from the facts.

Lets say we were jury for a hacking case.
Bias one: Many people feel that hackers are justified because it was the victim's fault for not having superior security.
Bias two: Reasonable doubt could be expanded to near unreasonable doubt. (Sure the guy lives in a remote area , but the Mac Address with the IP address seemed to match the guy, and no malware was found on the guys computer. But those can be spoofed. )
Bias three: The idea if he was caught then he must be a N00B

These things happen when we know too much, and while we hear the evidence we will find justifications to match our personal feelings on the topic.

Comment Re:Nothing has been lost! (Score 1, Insightful) 290

That logic works with any modern currency system.

Even if it is linked to Gold. Unless you are using it for its physical properties, the fact that it is valuable is because of scarcity. So we attach an artificial value based on our human needs to want what is scarce.

Currency in general is just common agreement to scale work for goods and services. Because we live in a world where we cannot get everything we want.
Bit Coins are actually more real then the US Dollar. Sure we get a paper or coin note stating that this represents so much. But at least bit coin is connected to something in limited supply thus needs to be shared.

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