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China's Influence Widens Nobel Peace Prize Boycott 360

c0lo writes "Not only did China decline to attend the upcoming Nobel peace prize ceremony, but urged diplomats in Oslo to stay away from the event warning of 'consequences' if they go. Possibly as a result of this (or on their own decisions), 18 other countries turned down the invitation: Pakistan, Iran, Sudan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Venezuela, the Philippines, Egypt, Ukraine, Cuba and Morocco. Reuters seems to think the 'consequences' are of an economic nature, pointing out that half of the countries with economies that gained global influence during recent times are boycotting the ceremony (with Brazil and India still attending)."

Comment Re:Just to point out... (Score 1) 95

The problem with Facebook's groups of friends is that the UI hides the functionality. I doubt that one in 1,000 users would have stumbled upon the right process for making a photo available to just a subset of their friends. I've suggested that a better approach to this type of control is to assign "privacy tags" to both people and published objects. A "friend" could then see just those objects of mine for which both they and the object share the same privacy tag.

Breaking the Squid Barrier 126

An anonymous reader writes "Dr. Steve O'Shea of Auckland, New Zealand is attempting to break the record for keeping deep sea squid alive in captivity, with the goal of being able to raise a giant squid one day. Right now, he's raising the broad squid, sepioteuthis australis, from egg masses found in seaweed. This is a lot harder than it sounds, because the squid he's studying grow rapidly and eat only live prey, making it hard for them to keep the squid from becoming prey themselves. If his research works out, you might one day be able to visit an aquarium and see giant squid."
The Almighty Buck

Virtual Currency Becomes Real In South Korea 203

garylian writes "Massively is reporting that the South Korean Supreme Court has stated that virtual currency is the equivalent of real-world money. For those of you who might not be drawing the link, the core there is that selling in-game currency for real money is essentially just an exchange of currency and perfectly legal in South Korea. This could have sweeping implications for RMT operations the world over, not to mention free-to-play games and... well, online games in general. The official story is available online from JoongAng Daily."

Comment Sherry Turkle already reported this 1984 (Score 1) 186

This is not much different to observations Sherry Turkle reported in her 1984 book The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit. Way back then she noted that young children had trouble deciding whether even simple electronic toys were alive. She proposed that when a toy could be taken apart to see the physical mechanism, children recognise it as merely an artefact. But when the behaviour is controlled via some computer chip, they are more likely to attribute it with "life".

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Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
