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Comment Good for Whirlpool (Score 1) 101

Let's just keep pushing all of our data to Google for the rest of the world to sift through. Brilliant job. I hear the same thing about managers pushing crappier software packages because of familiarity rather than the Cadillac packages. Then they run into issues trying to push forward because of limitations in the software. The flexibility of Notes is one of the reasons why my company still uses it. I don't see the Google Apps applying to the business processes as well as many people might think it does. Then again, I see many companies that focus on using third party software instead of using house developers to tool products to their business processes. I don't understand the logic in this other than some sort of short term gain through cutting software costs at the sacrifice of having to manipulate business processes to fit a mold that may or may not work for them. In the end, Go Maytag!

Comment Re:American Exceptionalism and Moral Superiority (Score 1) 88

We can rule over our self and wipe out anyone who stands in our way. Just ask the Native Americans. If we get bored or feel our superiority is in question, we just go bomb another country into submission. Just ask the Philippines, Cuba, Korea, Vietnam, Guam, Japan, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. But if our moral imperative is in question, look at all the quality nation building we have done over the years. Just ask Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Iran, Cuba, and Columbia. We even have an outstanding relationship with the local populations where we place our military bases. Just ask Okinawa. Who cares how we treat our own people, they should be able to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps so that they can get all of those government kickbacks and pay zero in taxes just like the top one percent. But we have had more new millionaires in the past 30 years, even though that was almost two generations ago and we figured out how to lie through statistics to make income mobility look possible when the reality is less than ever. But hey, we do just fine ruling ourselves. As long as we can exploit cheap labor and blow up a few countries from time to time, exceptional is just what we are.

Comment Re:Moo (Score 1) 473

I thought he outsourced it to the south west corner of Asia. I know, I know, bringing truth to satire. This is more depressing than finding out wishing someone to be raped by Gorillas on angel dust is not as painful as it sounds because they are phallically challenged.

Comment Re:The U.S. government is EXTREMELY corrupt. (Score 5, Interesting) 986

The US government has been corrupt for a long time. The difference now is that Manning and Snowden have basically pulled back the veil of secrecy enough to see that the Wonderful Wizard is nothing more than a crotchety old man. Not even a nice one at that. We have been on a slide since the 1950s. The only way we came to prominence is that the rest of the world leveled itself and somehow, sans Pearl Harbor, we remained untouched. What do you get when you have only one functioning economy in the world? Hello new World Power. The Soviets worked hard to bring themselves backup up to speed and quickly became the second Super Power. The Soviets had a shoddy structure though and fell to pieces because of that. Because of this, the US has lost it's primary enemy and looks around the world for others. Compare the US to Rome, and the history lines up so perfectly it's scary. Look at how the past two presidents tried to take power away from the senate. Look at how we spend more money on entertainment than we do on science or any other industry that will advance us. Look at the type of entertainment we have today where what we watch has little relevance tomorrow rather than something we will watch and cherish years or centuries from now. We are in the bread and circuses phase of the empire. Everyone is poor, but continue to be entertained, so they don't care. Religion is continuing to come into prominence again as it did in the the fall of the Roman empire. The rest of the world is advancing and our ideas are quickly becoming outdated. Our influence on the world is waning and we have very little to show for it. Other than a flag on the moon marking one of our pinnacle moments of advancement.

Comment Re:Scare tactics for tax dollars (Score 1) 413

As long as he is getting his money, why should he care about his fortress. Say, that's a nice fortress you have there. So you have an automated environment system that can be accessed remotely? That's nice. How do you like your house in the middle of the summer? I think that's a great time to turn on the heater? This guy is a tool, and I won't feel bad if he is harassed for some of the things that he allowed to happen under his watch. He is right that there will be some people that get upset if Snowden is arrested. Just as Sony about what happens when one that the hacker community supports gets arrested or even mistreated. After what I say this weekend, I would say that Sony had a small bout compared to what would happen if Snowden is arrested.

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