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Comment terrible beauty: public domain in the modern world (Score 2) 234

I think this was the reason for the existence of the Public Domain, where copyrighted works were available royalty free to the public after 50 years. I'd really like to play Redneck Rampage. For that reason I'm really just sort of spinning my wheels until I'm 74.Of course, they could open source it sooner. I'm not sure if Xatrix still exists though. Or if any of todays paridigms will apply at that time.

Comment Post Haste (Score 1) 331

If you have a solid backup system, you should already have a disaster recovery plan wrapped around your off site data, and a backup Tape Drive/NAS if you can grab it it. So when the bell rings, you walk out...and grab a most current backup device on your way out if you have the time. You should be able to start recreating core services at a new site. The way to avoid trust issues is to never need to trust very much.

Comment Appropriate Response (Score 1) 130

We should compliment them and applaud their achievement, I'm guessing...the blurb is light on factual details. Look, we're all nation states now, but it's likely your antecedents and theirs will intermingle at some point (if it hasn't happened already.) Mandarin is a fine ad hoc, potentially de facto language. So either we'll look back on this as an achievement of humanity, or possibly look back on it as a bag of soylent green. Do corporations really merit person-hood? I mean, most of our robots are way closer. Bender, for instance. *sorry for re post...I just like to keep track of my own opinions for when I choose to question them...and I am not an anonymous coward 40-60% of the time.

Comment If the government really understood the internet.. (Score 1) 167

The people in government who want to control and regulate the internet do not understand that it exists by technical rules, and any policies imposed on it have to be realistic and effeciently capable of implementing. Otherwise these rules and regulations will cripple and defeat the purpose of the network. If the government understood the internet It would stay out of the internet business as much as possible. Eventually a new internet will have to be created outside of their sphere of their interference. Some do exist, many actually, but they are usually less, not more, effecient since they rely on encryption or are simply filtered as most routers would detect them as fragmented packets. Anyone feel like launching a satellite?

Comment Let's alarm everyone of the obvious! (Score 1) 324

Water tends to flow. Yes, after being extracted from the earth much of it (hopefully) flows into the ocean (as opposed to outer space.) Although this does account for some water displacement, what is the point or insight we should take from this. Should it distract us from the fact that, much more crucially, the filtration process we have known and enjoyed for so long is being (almost systematically) ruined by interest who gain to profit from selling us clean bottled water and wiping out the 'free' water we have traditionally been able to enjoy as a species? Do you not see this as a simple side effect of this process? Sure we are having an effect on the system and should wise up or be culled, but in all likelyhood there's a mechanism already in place for that which we're simply unaware of. The earth will be fine. You and I and all of our digital ink and aspirations, on the other hand; are temporary. Not to say our bits and pieces aren't eternal, but that their coalescence into you and me and the meanings we assign to those things are. Olden evil always burns itself out in the end, and yeah there's alot of collateral damage if you assume the universe isn't unfolding as it should. My body is 80+ percent water right now. All of it will be gone next week, perhaps en route to the ocean....I actually quite often ensure this by peeing in the ocean. It's fun. But don't blame me.

Comment Untangle Router (Score 1) 338

I think you could effectively do what you need with a simple PC, two network cards and untangle installed. You can set it up to block web sites and content, protocols, and it even has an attack blocker which is updated automatically (re:SNORT) It can automatically generate reports and email it to your friend which will show (via IP address) who did what to whom and when. It will take 4-10Hours (estimated) to set it all up. I occasionally have to set this up for a client when internet usage gets out of hand to figure out why. I don't work for untangle, or represent them, but as best I could interpret, this may be your most practical option. Unless your client feels it's worth about a grand to fulfill their goals, I'd recommend installing a reliable ADSL router, securing it, and managing their expectations. Good luck.

Comment I fel for you, but you may be sick and/or deluded (Score 1) 2

Dude, I get that the world isn't perfect, and that one of the problems is when government services are turned over to private business. These services are meant to benefit everyone, and they are meant to be ran at a loss. Still, your harsh and sometimes offensive language, not to mention your blasphemy, do not help you to engender a sideways glance, much less your point to the people who are in control of the situation. Are you working for someone? What's your agenda?

Comment I'm sickened by religious agendas (Score 1) 2

You and all your cronies simply disgust me. How do you expect public and government owned utilities to justify a profit if they don't pretend not to make an obscene amount of money by combining government subsidies while avoiding the regulations all other privately owned companies have to follow? If they do not redirect natural water ways and feed you your own filtered grey water they might not be able to suck all the meaning out of a public utility by making it a profitable entity. Is that what you want? We'll fucking kill you. All the people they hire...what about their children? How can they afford the exorbitant prices of alcohol, cigarettes, and the inevitable health care costs which provides the least well paid doctors and sub par service to all but the well insured? Huh? You bastard. You whiny little bitch of a citizen. I can't address your grievances because I have already gotten away with it and there's nothing you can do about it. -Feed the worms -The Government (Copyright 2012, Humanity Incorporated.)

Submission + - Jesus discovers Australia 2

neurosine writes: Jesus Christ descended from the heavens to the fenced in tower array on top of Mount Coolum on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia on April 1St, 2012.
After declaring Telstra to be the strongest proof of Satan in Australia, he called technical support, and could only assume that the entity, after all, did not exist in any substantial or comprehensible fashion.
He did later though find Satan was alive and well after he opened a business account and was confounded upon receiving his first bill. He was further concerned and suspected Satan was a twin who was exploiting the masses when he needed some water to turn to wine, and discovered, a case of wine was cheaper, and considerably fresher.
  He tried making some fish from fish, and found it simply took to long for them to be repackaged ans shipped back from Asia.
  While waiting for the aforementioned technical support, he perished on hold waiting for some sense of culture and ecumenical compassionate sensibility. Nobody, of course was to blame. They read the manual. They said everything it told them to.

Comment The not so new boss (Score 1) 607

I don't think government or civil funded agencies should be working for organizations, or associated with them. This is what the legal realities of our world today are all about. So many resources that could be used to better us all are paying to protect the interests of companies. It's great that the founding fathers separated church and state. They should have more clearly stated the intended separation of privately held company and state. I think if they had more clearly foreseen the world today they would certainly strengthen that principal. Not that they didn't try, but those safeties have been systematically circumvented. It is obviously destroying our world and is by far the largest contributor to the downfall of us as a species.... I'm hoping the next fish do better.

Comment National Reservoir (Score 1) 379

Now can we set up a pretend entity to buy and sell our pretend water, much as we buy and sell pretend money now? It takes the emphasis off of what's happening with our real water, much in the way the national reserve has allowed us to ignore what dire straights we're in concerning our real wealth.

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