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Comment Re:transfer the ID information to the police (Score 2) 207

Wait, how many states associates a driver's license with the vehicle registration?

Granted, it could be loosely inferred / deduced based on other relateable elements.

Additionally, as states are not required to share DMV records, or at least I don't think they are, lost my train of thought... Something relational data missing content, etc.

Comment Hollyweird called (Score 1) 262

They missed your script proposal. They were too amazed at how you shot the pen out of their fingers.

Sorry, I can't get past the concept "of shoot to wound" or "Let the assailant get closer to you" fallacies. What the hell is "toughed up" even supposed to mean? Get into a physical confrontation and possibly get your weapon taken away, etc? And if it was a female cop should she have "toughed up"?

You aim for the biggest part of the target, not the smallest that moves in unpredictable patterns.

Like police officers are being trained to take down opponents who outweigh them by 100 lbs.

You don't train one group of officers with one set of criteria, and another group with a different set. That creates more confusion in the deployment of force.

And I guess that is another "what if". What if the Wilson had been a female officer? Would the expectations have been the same? Would there have been rioting?

Comment Re:corporate win fall? (Score 1) 262

Most likely outcome is some big shot company will develop some special super deluxe government must have for security safety reasons, that doesn't do a quarter of what it promises to do. Like you said, huge windfall, bunch of fat cats robbing from the people all in the name of "security". And 5 years down the road will prove to be a huge failure, but government will keep forcing it down our throats. In the mean time, people will prove it doesn't work, and government will counter whatever they can to shut them down because "national security / terrorism".

Rinse / repeat. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Comment Re:Phones getting too big .. (Score 1) 258

Or... by egg are sidesing my memory, developing pneumonic algorithms, or other memory intensive strategies, or just simple memory, I recall which books I already have.

Or quite simply, I've written down which book I wanted to get before going to the store.

Or, quite daunting for some, I ask the sales clerk.

Comment Re:He didn't deny them in the hospital. (Score 4, Insightful) 478

Oh never mind link to news article

RTFM - in a computerized system, the nurses enter some information about the patient, but that information is not relayed back to the screen that the doctor sees.


That also explains why we have to repeat to the doctor(s) everything we just repeated to all the attending nurses.

Comment Re:He didn't deny them in the hospital. (Score 1) 478

I'm really wondering how this information would get recorded in a patient's notes.

I mean its not the usual check box run of the mill question.

The attending nurse was smart enough to ask it.

How was it logged on the patient records?

There is a big difference in a sticky note attached, illegible chicken scratch, or the big giant red text that says TEST FOR EBOLA

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