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Comment The post office isn't broke -- it's being robbed. (Score 1) 564

gotta agree w'""The post office is one of the few things that makes our nation great." that was ben franklin's plan, and i think he would agree w/ ur idea of ip-physical mapping as the 21st cent. implementation of his original vision.

and then an personal/email-physical mapping would allow seamless snail/email integration, eliminating the vendor lock-in of addresses: it's such a p-i-t-a to change all your creditcard/banking/whatever email contacts that people just hang onto their addrs (and i think that's all that's keeping aol afloat;-)

since we already give our financial providers our physical addr, the usps could allow a single-point update of contact email.

Comment so does this work4u? (Score 1) 216

i've been kludging an mp3 player page & got it to play on clicking in both osX & winXP, but none of the linuces i've tried recently(fc16, mint12, ubuntu12) will play anything in the browser out-of-the-box, even tho they'll gladly play mp3s locally:-\

so would u let me know if u can play any of the mp3s on from ur browser?


Comment of course it is (Score 1) 547

isn't it the very definition of evolutionary advantageous behavior? religions exist because they are good at motivating & organizing the efforts of large #s ( >small kinship bands) of people to accomplish works that provide survival value. doesn't the bible have helpful advice such as: get ur drinking water_upstream_from ur latrine?

religion is folk-psychology, using behavioral modification techniques that work on the individual, transmitting valuable information, in a pre-literate world, by way of mnemonic stories, ensuring that subsequent generations don't have to reinvent the wheel.

> people's behavior (in this case, children) was distinctly impacted positively by the concept of 'an invisible being watching me'.

what the rabid atheists overlook is that the target audience of religious teachings, which aren't intended to withstand rational, critical examination, is the _pre_rational mind, ie: children. a conscience must be created while still possible...isn't the age of reason a long-established concept in law & religion?

so habituating the pre-rational mind to moral behavior while it is still influenced by magical thinking is necessary to produce moral adults.

and that is imho the primary function of religion: socializing each new batch of barbarians;-)

Comment religion exists because it has survival value (Score 1) 547

doesn't the bible also mention getting drinking water _upstream_ from the latrine? religion is a way, in pre-literate times, of preserving & passing on knowledge by wrapping them in mnemonic stories, as well as explaining the unexplained (thunder&lightning? da' gods;-)

but imho, the atheists miss the primary function of religion: socializing each new batch of barbarians, before a conscience can be instilled in a child. religion is indigenous psychology... and what better way to make people listen than to threaten eternal damnation?

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