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Comment Re:Asperger's syndrome. (Score 1) 579

I wouldn't be surprised if I had said syndrome, and I certainly have peeped with discontent often enough, but only at incompetent management.

But I'm going to disagree with both "maturity" and "creativity", although I'll stick fairly close to the latter.

Rather than maturity, what is important is the competence to be able to make a good estimate about when something will be finished (including documentation). Unfortunately the vast majority (80%+) of programmers aren't very good programmers when working in teams. I'll get back to that in a bit.

And rather than creativity, I find imagination, lateral thinking and problem solving in particular, to be more important. A similar 80%+ majority of programmers who's work I've had the pleasure to maintain are extremely creative in using the wrong tool for the job, etc. Again, competence is most important.

I'm going to make it more personal now: I'm unemployed and haven't worked with Delphi for more than 5 years professionally. Unfortunately that's where I put all my eggs. Although after 2020 I'll probably be able to find some maintenance work (just as the COBOL guys did in 1999, hehe), I'd like to be developing new stuff again. I had one agency who I had worked through to mutual profit regularly in the past, only for the incompetent agent to - after saying I couldn't get the job because my French wasn't good enough reversing that when I wrote her in French - then tell me I couldn't get the job because my Delphi experience wasn't recent enough DESPITE the version being asked for (5) being 2 years prior to the end of my professional usage (7), and this being clearly visible on my CV.

Somewhat ironically, for my very first Delphi job opportunity, when I'd waited for 32-bit Delphi (2), the job agency (a temping one back then) had been asked for someone with 5 years Delphi experience, so I didn't get that job either. My 10 years (at the time) Pascal experience counted for nothing, and I sometimes wonder if they ever found a bullshitter who claimed 5 years experience with a product which had existed for only a year. Competence.

The reason I stopped developing was stress-related. I was working for a seemingly friendly guy on a niche product (version 5) of which the source to version 4 had been lost. This was at half my usual rate, but with the understanding I might take the company over when he retired. I told him up front that although I am an excellent developer and test my own code, if I were to develop from scratch I needed a tester, and since he was the only other person, that meant him. The first thing I didn't know is that he was supremely competent at the art of fine bullshit, and for the first six months I hammered out functionality at an extremely fast pace, while he supposedly tested it. Actually, he only did so cursorily, and instead spent most of his time fighting the tax man on his evasion and bullshitting customers into upgrading to the new (as yet non-existent) product. But the second thing I didn't know is that he actually had a demo CD of a competing product, which I tested on a lazy day in summer to see what the opposition was up to. And this may be why this post gets moderated funny: the opposition were on version 3.0 of their product, and not only had a development team of about 100 for this product alone (recall we were about 1.1), but their functionality and data were both at least an order of magnitude higher, and similarly the price was an order of magnitude lower. Not only that, but their budget was, on researching, discovered to be 9 figures. Yes, that's a hundred million dollars. The only bright side is that presumably they used their own tools to develop this competing program. The name of their tools probably started with the word "Visual". Yeah. Laugh with me or cry for me ;)

But let me return to what is important: competence. I know what I'm competent at. I also know what I'm incompetent at, although I've learned the hard way. Note that competence is unrelated to brilliance: I've met many competent colleagues throughout my years in working on Delphi projects. I've certainly come across more incompetent managers than fellow developers, but given "promoted to their level"... that doesn't mean much.

That said, we are talking about the "best programmers" here, so we aren't talking about just one aspect anyway - but even then, competence comes top, in my book at least. But I've never met anybody without both strengths AND weaknesses, and that is where the team comes in.

For example, although I'm a supremely competent programmer (almost 30 years in total, 10+ with my favoured language Pascal BEFORE I used it professionally - apart from teaching it to undergraduates at Cambridge while I was a graduate student there writing a C compiler (in C) as a project - horrid language (tongue firmly in cheek - C++ is the horrid on)), I know that I'm not great at "exhaustive testing of my own code". Although at least I can match parentheses, so maybe there is a future in LISP. I've never found documenting difficult, but in Delphi documenting is rather easy anyway.

My competence comes not from my brilliance though, it comes from thinking before implementing. The reverse is an instant indicator of incompetence. If a programmer spends 8 hours a day typing code, he's doing something wrong. If a programmer spends at least an hour just thinking, not much more than an hour in meetings and discussions, perhaps half an hour documenting (on average), just 4 hours per day actually developing, and spends a few sessions a week on other things, be it a personal project "a la Google", or Monday morning and Friday afternoon focussing on something different (be it company rigmarole or reading trade magazines such as Dr. Dobbs.), and perhaps a couple of sessions testing the work of a partner dev if she finishes planned work for a day early, the programmer will be much more balanced.

To finish, since I seem to be rambling/ranting, I trust I've shown that I'm as weird as any of you, and please trust me that I am as competent as any of you. Although I need to get from 50 to 100 solved in Project Euler sometime, and I don't think it will be as easy as the 4 or 5 afternoons I spent to get to 50! I doubt any of you needs a Delphi Guru soon, but on the off chance, I'm available - if you don't mind someone weird ;)


Speaking With the Designer of an Indie MMO Project 104

PsxMeUP writes "Love is a persistent online first-person shooter that will let players build structures, permanently manipulate the environment and share resources — all in real-time. Action will be similar to a real-time strategy game as seen through the eyes of a grunt. The game is being completely designed by a man named Eskil Steenberg, and GameObserver had a chance to interview him. Steenberg talks about how all MMOs offer an egocentric experience where character growth is the most important aspect, and how he intends to change that. He also explains how mainstream MMOs have too many players, which basically trivializes accomplishments that have an impact on the entire server. 'If you imagine Civilization where you invent your stuff or build new stuff, imagine playing one of those characters on the ground doing that. And being able to do something minute in your world and see that impact in the major world,' Eskil explains, when asked what his game will be like. 'I want to scare people in a direction that is different from this sort of "me-centric" style of games. It feels that pretty much all games are going into that Diablo direction of collecting and building up my characters, and it's all very egocentric about creating your own powerful character,' he clarifies when asked how his game will be different from other MMOs. Love is well into development, and Steenberg has already posted some incredible gameplay demos. Levels, for instance, are all procedurally generated. The game also offers open-source tools, like UV editing — not a small feat considering the whole thing was designed by one man."

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 707

Seriously, it's pretty fucking hard to get that kind of tax system going without a civilization! You need a whole city full of accountants... barbarians could never manage that.

Bernard Madoff (Great Merchant) has been born in New York (Dubya).

Comment No and yes. (Score 1) 611

Backup your internal HDD to an external one, and if your data is really important, have two externals and swap one off-site once a week. Is there any better advice these days?"

There isn't any better advice, but you ALWAYS have "really important" data.

The most likely things you are going to want to back up are documents and spreadsheets, pictures, videos and of course code. If you can't afford more than one external drive, or even don't want to spend anything at all, the big G (yeah, I'm a fanboy, but there are probably equivalent options) provides help. Google Docs for the first two: search for "google docs synch" and the first option is freeware (not that I've used it - nowadays I just use Docs itself). Picasa allows you to keep pictures unpublished, not so sure about youtube etc. And code you can mail to yourself, (g)zipped, although it might be on your home test/dev machine and also on your commercial web server.

Comment Re:How Pointless.... (Score 1) 219

That aside, isn't this patent a good thing? It means that only Amazon's products will be crippled with advertising inserted in this manner.

Patents get licensed. In terms of your description, $10 product would get sold for $6 by other publishers - $5 "up front" and $1 to cover the patent royalty.

Amazon has an interesting self-publishing business (forget what it is called and I'm certainly not going to advertise for them), but I can imagine them offering trade-quality books which aren't otherwise available (out of copyright, let alone print) at a discount if they can use 1 page in 20 for adverts.

"The Scarlet Pimpernel" might be $10 if printed without ads, but less if the buyer chooses that option. Amazon could advertise it's own related goods (perhaps a Hornblower video, to suggest something not directly related but close enough) and provide a discount voucher (with unique code) either per book printed or per advert.

Of course, some time soon, printing on demand will become efficient for individual books. If Amazon wants a slice of advertising in any of them, then a patent "works" - but as far as I can see it is a business method.

In short: if they want to put ads in books printed to demand to cut end-user costs, fine. If every left=even page had an ad and books were free, I'd love it. But patent? Printed media have sufficient prior art for advertising, tyvm.

Comment For fuck's sake! (Score 0, Troll) 187

Internet in the Netherlands is already taxed with 19% BTW (VAT, not quite sales tax), let alone all the other taxes - Water is taxed about 6 times if you count 'em all (at least the rate is 6% after drinking water, what a fucking great silver lining that is).

I can understand the concept of having certain taxes being related to usage - no road tax unless you own a car etc. - but in the Netherlands you pay anything up to 50%+ income tax (which has been pre-taxed by employer's tax), and THEN everything you want after that is taxed extra already.

If - as a nation - you have fucking (50%+) high income tax, then fucking budget it to cover basic needs, like sewers and roads. If you have fucking (19%) high sales tax (more for cigarettes), then fucking use it to cover whatever is being taxed.

I can even live with the idea that old media and new media are part of the same thing, and thus some of the sales taxes on the lot of them might be spent disproportionately on ailing media. But the real problem for the "quality" print media is that every station in the major cities has free print media, which readers can consume during a commute and typically leave on the seats of buses and trams everywhere. and are getting sufficient print readers to encourage advertisers to read.

Fuck the Dutch and their fucking tax attitudes, though.

Comment Re:it's really bad (Score 1) 677

The problem with proofs has nothing to do with logic.

It is necessary to be able to understand proofs, but duplicating them under exam conditions means you have to memorize them by rote.

At a certain point (for me it was the Cambridge maths tripos part IB) you are going to get exposed to maths you have to do but don't fully understand.

People who can memorise the proofs but only understand them partially do better than people than those who understand the material better, but prefer to "solve a problem" and struggle to memorize a proof verbatim.


Submission + - YouTube Video Sends Guatemala into Crisis

Hugh Pickens writes: "When Rodrigo Rosenberg turned up dead on Mother's Day in an upscale neighborhood in Guatemala City, his murder was seen as little more than another execution-style shooting in one of Latin America's most dangerous countries. Now a video has emerged in which Rosenberg accuses Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom of orchestrating his murder. The killing has sparked civic unrest that threatens to topple the President of this fledgling democracy. "This is the most serious political crisis the country has faced since the signing of the peace accords" in 1996, said Anita Isaacs, a Haverford College political science professor who studies democratization in Guatemala. "The country is hanging on by a thread." In the 18-minute tape, a seemingly calm Rosenberg, sitting behind a desk and microphone, alleges that Colom, the First Lady and two associates were involved in murder, corruption and money laundering. In the video, Rosenberg declares, "If you are watching this message, it is because I was assassinated by President Alvaro Colom, with help from [presidential secretary] Gustavo Alejos.""

Comment Re:What Benefit Does C Have Over Assembly? (Score 1) 207

You have some insight, but not into how compilers work, nor how good programmers improve code. It has been a very long time since I wrote any C, but it was writing much of a (non-optimizing) C compiler. It must be said though that one reason I didn't finish it was looking at all the cool ways to optimise :)

If I were writing/designing a BIOS (which I must admit I am glad I am not) I would also pick C as the "best" language for the job. I'd then write the cleanest possible implementation of the design, using assembler only where absolutely necessary - which would likely be for platform dependent bits in >90% of the cases anyway.

The code need not be fast (as long as it performs), and it need not be tiny. But it needs to be 100% accurate, and sufficiently well documented to be easily readable.

By not using assembler, developer time until now has been relatively low. No premature optimisation has taken place. The next step is profiling, for which a benchmark suite is set up. This suite will ALSO be used to test that alternative implementations return the same results!

In parallel, the BIOS would be used in Virtual Machines; no ROMs need to be created, to get a good picture of how often various functions are called.

On the basis of this, it can be decided where to focus optimisation efforts. The historical target used to be primarily to get size down to 64k, since the 8088/6 booted to F000:FFF0. Assuming this is still a primary issue on many platforms, the first point of call for optimisation is to reduce any "big" functions - like those which use large (lookup) tables as their easiest/cleanest implementation (an obvious example might be the ascii characters in raster format).

Simply writing multiple versions of a routine in a HL language and then profiling may be enough to achieve the desired performance level (IIRC Jon Bentley wrote on this as one of his "Programming Pearls"), but even then an improvement may be possible by going right down to the silicon.

Admittedly it takes people like John Carmack and Michael Abrash to get everything out of it, but if everybody has a week to optimise a 20 line C "inner loop" function for speed, those who can read the produced assembler will do better than those who cannot, and those who can edit it will do even better.

Of course, over 20,000 lines of code, the C expert will manage better in a month, since rather than fixing 4 functions to perfection, they may be fixing 20 to 95%.

One final thing to note: optimising C compilers are known to have occasional bugs in their optimisation. When you are going to eventually write something to a (flash) ROM responsible for booting your computer, that is not an acceptable risk. That means that you don't want to rely purely on an optimising compiler to do your work for you.

Comment Re:A deal with the devil? I hope not. (Score 1, Interesting) 414

Ideally, the government should only do four things, A) Protect citizens from foreign invasion B) Protect citizens from fraud C) Printing a stable currency *preferably backed by something other than "the full faith of the government"* and D) Protecting citizens from harm from other citizens.

My apologies for being blunt, but you are completely mistaken, for one simple reason: your ideal government is not ideal for others, such as those who support the entirety of the UDHR (which includes stuff like access to medical care, and had it been written in the light of current technology, would probably have a clause relating to the freedom to access the web).

In my opinion - and it is of course only an opinion - the only way to get close to some kind of utopia politically is a system which recognises all political views as valid. The best way to do that is to decentralize government as much as possible. That may mean "more" government in a way, but it is done at a far more local level - your street, neighbourhood, or town, rather than state/federal.

I disagree that A) a national government should protect citizens from foreign invasion, but then I don't like the idea of sovereignty of nations. Rather, I would prefer to see multiple blocs have sufficient military power but also sufficient political power for negotiation within a UN-type construction to be able to take action on people such as Saddam Hussein and Robert Mugabe. To rephrase: Invading Iraq and taking control would have been much easier if done with the full support of the UN.

There is little difference between your B) and D), unless you meant physical harm. But the best way to prevent crimes with victims is to educate, in my opinion: both the victim (how not to get stung), but also the criminal (be that a rogue stock trader or a drug addict fencing your car radio). Zero tolerance is an awful policy to have at the million+ people level, but with total decentralization, it is not a problem.

For example, if public transport is available then it is realistically possible to have residential areas be alcohol-free (in addition to whatever other drugs you want to decriminalize). Similarly, it would allow larger areas (1M+ cities/states) to officially be against such things as gay marriage and abortion, yet guarantee the rights of minorities all the same. My thinking here is not that there be ghettos for gays, but rather that those less tolerant do have clear options where their local environment is as they prefer.

As to C) I'm all for backing currencies with something tangible, but despite the fact that I would prefer to live in a high-quality commune (kibutz/5-star hotel cross), I simply don't understand the obsession with gold. The true value of man's endeavours is the "average labour hour", but that's rather hard to make a currency out of. Instead, I'd propose that every level of government is run similarly to a company or charity, and that currency should be based on a basket mutual fund. This might have 5-10% precious and useful metals, but also similar percentages of land and real estate, futures on essential foods, etc.

My ideal government would have people like Ron Paul continuing in their day jobs, but spending a day per week, plus a week per quarter, plus perhaps a month per year as volunteers (paid standard wage plus costs). A position such as "president" might be full time, with limitations (even 8 years is too much!), but national/state senate/representatives would have only roughly 1/4 FTU "working" on politics.

I do agree that it should not be the top level government to implement this, at all. They are OK for national defence and serious crime, as well as co-ordination and describing ideals, but most other things should be handled at (much) lower levels. For example, if it decided that broadband is equivalent to a basic right, then the federal government should not try to implement it by itself, but rather provide a forum for states (which in turn provide forums for the next level down) to discuss best practices, so that they have the knowledge to negotiate with commercial providers for.

It is very hard for individuals to "beat" large corporate entities, but if every level of government from the micro level of 1000 people all the way up to the world's entire population were to be an entity under the direct control of the stakeholders, you have all the benefits of both capitalism and social democracy.

I hope that makes some sense, much too late here ;) Summary: Not so much less government, as a new approach using the technology we now have available, such as forums.

Comment Re:This is going to end badly (Score 2, Funny) 375

How that can end badly? Especially since a politician has a comprehensive economic plan that will create millions of good local jobs, ensure our nation's energy security, get the government's budget and spending practices in order, and bring relief to local consumers.

I've rolled your comment back to the template.

Congratulations on your ride on the tour bus!

The Internet

Journal Journal: Google Translate = Hijacked

Google Translate today gave me a nasty shock while doing some casual translating from English to German. A regular translating session turned sour when putting in Retrieved dragged up the one word I didn't foresee it being translated into. I won't spoil the surprise. Since Babelfish is generally crap and I didn't have a dictionary to hand, I'm still not sure on the translation. I'm not

Submission + - Dracula's Castle for sale in Romania: price $77m

galaad2 writes: Want to own the real castle that was the source of all the vampire stories? Want to have your very own vampire castle? Here's your chance!

The Transylvanian castle of Vlad the Impaler, the inspiration for Bram Stoker's Count Dracula, is on sale for £40 million [] (around 77 million dollars).

Bran Castle [], near the historic city of Brasov, in central Romania, is one of the country's most popular tourist destinations because of its association with 15th-century Prince Vlad Tepes III, also known as the Impaler for his favoured method of executing opponents.

The local town council has preemption rights, they have 30 days to review the offer, and then the property will be put on the market.

Extra info: wikipedia article about Bran Castle

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