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Comment Re:Duh! (Score 1) 42

Gift-Authorship seems to be rampant in the US as well. A published paper that I and 2 other graduate students did has at least 4 other names on it, one of the names is the professor of the class we did the work in, the others are just friends of the professor, and one undergraduate who 'helped' by downloading the survey data.

I got my master's degree and got the fuck out of academia. I'm making twice as much as anyone in my cohort stupid enough to stay in academia.

Comment Re:typical delusional american apologist (Score 1) 90

My guess is you're Chinese and doing your best to spread FUD.

Your comment is misleading and doensn't refute my point at all. The chart you link to is the total amount of emissions since 1751.

TODAY, China is responsible for nearly 30% of all carbon emissions. The US is less than 15%.

Comment Re:and yet, the far left ignores emissions/solutio (Score 1) 90

You can turn America and Europe Off COMPLETELY and still not do anything to affect the environment at this point. China and India will still poison the planet.

For the most part, America and Europe have 'solved' their problems as well as they're likely to do until non-fossil fuel energy sources are competitive and viable. And even when that switch finally occurs, it's not going to have a global impact.

China and India are completely opposite. They're pumping out poison and pollution of every type, dumping it wherever (most sea trash is theirs, and not the west's apparently, based on recent studies) and they haven't even brought half of their population 'on-line' yet.

Comment Re:isn't acid a pH 7.0? (Score 5, Informative) 90

You're quoting two idiots who don't understand that 'acidification' doesn't mean literally turning the Ocean to acid.

It means reducing the PH of the ocean which then reduces the availability of calcium carbonates. The term 'acidification' is used because any reduction in PH = the water has a higher level of acidity. In fact, water that has a pH of 7.9 is actualy 30% more acidic than water with a pH of 8.0 because pH is a logarithmic scale (again, we're not saying it's acid, we're just saying that it has a higher level of acidity, this is why there's a fscking scale!).

Anyone who has had an aquarium knows that having the PH too low results in degredation of the shells of snails because of lack of available calcium carbonates. An overal ocean change from 8.2 to 8.0 or 7.9 pH is a very very significant change.

Comment Re:Yeah sure. (Score 1) 172

"Nothing to do with the impossibility of finding a job that can support oneself, no affordable housing, and the thought of bringing children up into the world which is even worse than the one that their parents brought them into."

Plenty of jobs. Plenty of housing. Just get the hell out of LA/SF/NY etc.

World is way better than 30/40/60 years ago. Longer lifespans, better standards of living, more entertainment choices, lower crime. Stop watching the news and go outside.

Social media and the increased pressures regarding public image, managing self-worth, etc is 100% to blame.

Let's see:
Increased suicide rates since 2007.
Most of the most violent mass shootings in the US have been since 2007.
Horrible polarization of public re: ideology.
New rise of violent fringe groups (both right and left-wing)

When exactly are we going to realize that social media has serious problems? I don't like the idea of any restrictions on speech, but I'm starting to think we need higher age limits at the very least.

Comment Re:Putin's gotta go (Score 1) 229

What is this stupidity? Removing Putin would be like removing any other first-world leader - instant world-ending war.

I'm so tired of these fools who can't seem to get it through their head that Russia is a global military superpower. That Russia is NOT a cowardly bully. Cowardly bullies act out because of their own insecurities and lack of agency.

Putin has no insecurities. He has successfully moved his country forward. Crime rates, wages, standards of living are all significantly better than when he first took control of Russia. However questionably and brutally he did it, the simple fact is that he was successful, and the Russian people are by and large pragmatic and results-orientated. Their lives are better, Putin is responsible for that. End of Story.

Russia has no lack of agency. Russia can hit a button and kill us all.

Russia simply wants to no longer be treated like some second or third-class citizen in the world. You don't like that they fucked with our politics? Too bad. We've been fucking with theirs for YEARS. You don't like that they hacked us? What the fuck do you think the US has been doing?

People should go watch Oliver Stone's Putin interviews. While the whole anti-Russia crowd whined about Stone being some fawning Putin sycophant, what was ignored is that 80% of what Putin said was absolutely correct. NATO expansions, US treaty violations, outright abuses of the openness that Russia had to America in the post-soviet years. The US had the opportunity to bring Russia into the 21st century as friends, allies, and economic partners. Instead the old cold-war guard kept kicking the downed dog. Is it any wonder that now that the dog has healed and can bite back, it is?

Russia can now do to us as we've been doing to them - perhaps they're even better at it.

Anyone with a real global outlook can see that Russia is not the real problem, China is. China is far more totalitarian, far more 'evil', far more repressive, more racist, more sexist, and has far grander plans of world domination - and far further along on those plans. Russia is a potential solution to a huge future problem, but the US can't pull its backwards-looking head out of its indignant idealistic ass to see it.

The US policy has been one of containing Russia and keeping it econmically depressed, while letting China grow into a beast that is now weilding massive political and economic influence within our own country to our detriment.

Comment Re: Any that aren't about 'social justice'. (Score 1) 364

Let's have something inspiring - what SF used to be!

Science fiction started as social justice literature. The very first science fiction novel, Frankenstein, was all about how small-minded members of the alt-right attacked someone who was misunderstood for looking and acting different.

Frankenstein was a semi-religious anti-science screed set in a world contemporary to the author. This isn't the science-fiction anyone is referring to.

As for the sci-fi this discussion is actually about:
Social justice? NO.

Social equality, yes.

Golden-age and much of new-wave sci-fi showed us a world where people got over their differences, accepted different religious/social practices, and joined together as one humanity. The vast majority of it was libertarian-leaning in that self-reliance, pragmatism, hard work, and logic were the tools of success. Even new-wave's existential navel-gazing still focused on breaking down barriers and ignoring differences despite (or because of) the futility of life.

Today color-blindness is 'racism' while paying attention to color and treating people differently because of it is 'mindfulness.'
Rewarding people based on merit is either 'white privilege' or 'male privilege' depending on which group feels victimized.

Comment Re:Doublw Whammy (Score 1) 212

People who got into mining in October before card prices skyrocketed again likely got their ROI 1-2 months ahead of schedule because of the bump in value across all cryptos in November/Dec.

People getting into mining now *might* have a problem hitting an ROI in 6 months due to the high cost of cards, or another spike in value could make them all profitable by March (assuming they hold a percentage of their mined coins).

Comment Re: Good news coming ... (Score 2) 212

You can't guarantee that the gamer who was using the card didn't stress the shit out of it by overclocking it and running 3dmark for 3 days to 'burn in' the card.

The risk seems the same. In fact, the used mining cards might be more likely to be safe, as the miner at least had longevity of their money-making investment in mind.

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