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Comment Re:Legal? (Score 1) 138

You know, usually about this time on a thread about companies overpromising and underdelivering, we would have already had a good joke or three about Duke Nukem Forever. Sigh.

An additional term of the wager that was considered too risky for the participants was that the loser would have to play through the entire of the recently released Duke Nukem Forever. Twice.

Comment Re:An Australian company (Score 1) 140

Something tells me that an Australian company would not be using inches to track anything. TFA seems to agree. Our official conversion tables between metric and "ye olde worlde" include the phrase "an inch is as good as a mile", which does not bode well for its accuracy.

I think what you mean is:

"That's not an inch. THIS is an inch!"

Comment I just installed solar. (Score 1) 410

A few things that might be interesting...

1) I think it's great for purely economic reasons. I intend to get a fully electric vehicle (hopefully the Tesla Model S gets good reviews). Also, as I turn more and more into my father, I don't have to go ballistic when the lights get left on. It will pay for itself in about 8 to 10 years, after that, it's gravy.

2) I received a 30% tax credit without which I wouldn't have done the project.

3) I think overall it's a good long-term investment both for myself and society. Ten years goes by faster than people think and if we all started converting to solar we'd need less and less energy. Combined with advances in electric cars we could wave goodbye to middle east and oil-funded nuttiness. Better investment on that front I think than blowing holes in sand.

4) I don't really buy AGW (one way or the other), and I didn't do it remotely for that reason. I do believe it is apparent we have limited fossil energy and that prices can only rise there.

5) I also support nuclear, but given Fukushima, that is sadly dead for another couple decades.

Comment Re:Social Security for Military Contractors (Score 1) 86

The US could eliminate our deficits immediately by cutting our Pentagon/CIA budget to under $300B a year from its current $TRILLION+, and soon pay off the accumulated debt with the surplus.

Ummm, no. Our deficit in 2010 was $1,560B. The DOD was $664B. The CIA budget is classified, but $50B is a good guess.

Eliminating both entirely would only remove half the deficit. Those are real numbers. $TRILLIONS is not.

I concur strongly with cutting defense to, well, actually defending the borders. I also believe we need to raise taxes a bit. To actually reduce the deficit we'll need to cut else where as well.

But using inaccuracy and hyperbole will not make the case.

Comment Re:online games (Score 1) 291

The exceptions are the games that I know aren't going to drop much in price on the used market anyway. A high rated Mario/Donkey Kong game? The used prices are going to be so close to new prices for years, I might as well just buy new. Nintendo has found the best way to reduce used game sales. Create quality games with a lot of replay value.

This is simply incorrect on the face of it. Released in 2007, Super Mario Galaxy goes for around $20 on Ebay. The sequel, SMG2, goes for around $30 used, being about a year old. This is a 40% discount. Both games were very highly rated.

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