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Comment Re:Black box data streaming (Score 2) 503

Unless the aircraft is destroyed out right by the explosion, it'll be damaged and start to crash. I would hope that the onboard monitoring would notice that damage and start warning the pilots, which is a really good cue to start uploading your black box data. Anything where the black box actually survives, there's something to notice 'things going wrong'.

Comment Re:Youtube Comments (Score 1) 238

Circles are a good notion, and one I like. I don't mind using my real name, but even so - am still a _bit_ edgy about getting 'googled up' by a prospective employer as a result.
However, I also know people who - for example - have had messy breakups with exes, and don't want said ex tracking them down again.

Comment Re:Youtube Comments (Score 1) 238

On the flip side though, there are people who are victims of domestic abuse, are relocated witnesses, wish to make comment from within an oppressive regime, have been high profile victims of crime, or are just 'ordinary' famous. They also want to use the internet, and have good reasons not to want to 'go public'.

Comment Re:Not surprised (Score 2) 170

There's always always a balance. The police have powers to investigate the innocent. They're innocent because they're - legally - innocent until _proven_ guilty. Which means - by definition - the police are always targeting 'the innocent'. There's a bunch of rules to limit this, including not least a system of warrants - to do certain things to people, you need to be able to convince a judge that they're sufficiently dirty to be worth further investigation. But they're still - in the literal sense - still innocent at that point, because you haven't proven their crime in a court of law.

It's not a perfect system by any means, but it mostly works - _generally_ the bad people get caught and punished, and the good people are protected. But sometimes there are abuses, and part of the point of any system of justices is that it has to accept the inevitable - that sometimes you'll get it wrong.

But it's generally accepted to be one of the least bad options.

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