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Comment Re:Automate them (Score 1) 228

I've espoused the doctrine of proactive laziness since I started sysadminnning. I figure I'm doing my very best work when there's nothing that I need to be doing, and I can be spending my time fiddling with the next thing.
That means applying appropriate automation and scripting. (Don't overdo it - not all scripts need to be gold plated).
Decent documentation. (Which is easier: explaining or fixing a problem, or saying 'RTFM' and waving a hand dismissively - if TFM is up to scratch, they won't come back and bother you)
Tackle tasks that'll become a pain, before they're a pain.
The combination of these means I've had a fairly easy and productive live in 'systems admin', because I've never had a need to diddle with spreadsheets to look like I'm working.

Comment Re:Automate them (Score 2) 228

Lots of people 'play spreadsheets' all day, which is working really inefficiently. Some companies prefer this, because they operate on billable hours in the first place. You being efficient costs them money. Some companies know better, and will value your skills. You should go and work for those. Getting laid off sucks a bit, but it's far from the worst thing that'll ever happen to you.

Comment Re:And who the fuck will maintain it? (Score 1) 228

Scripts are generally more accessible, but that's about it when it comes to comparison with other languages. That means you get some pretty bad scripts, but ... well, there's no real reason to not use decent coding practice. The core one being 'get everyone involved a working knowledge of the language'.

Comment Re:Black box data streaming (Score 2) 503

Unless the aircraft is destroyed out right by the explosion, it'll be damaged and start to crash. I would hope that the onboard monitoring would notice that damage and start warning the pilots, which is a really good cue to start uploading your black box data. Anything where the black box actually survives, there's something to notice 'things going wrong'.

Comment Re:Youtube Comments (Score 1) 238

Circles are a good notion, and one I like. I don't mind using my real name, but even so - am still a _bit_ edgy about getting 'googled up' by a prospective employer as a result.
However, I also know people who - for example - have had messy breakups with exes, and don't want said ex tracking them down again.

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