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User Journal

Journal Journal: September 10th, 2004

September 10th, 2004 (0:21)

I was thinking recently about all the friends I made in the past few monthes. Not that I am gossiping about them or whatever - just that they generally share something very common: almost everyone are gaijin like me.

User Journal

Journal Journal: September 6th, 2004 1

Sept 06, 2004 (4:44pm)

Maybe not the most tasteful subject. Proceed with caution.

User Journal

Journal Journal: September 3rd, 2004

September 3rd, 2004 (0:33am)

Recently Japan seems to the target of large scale natural disasters all at once. First we had flooding in Niigata (a couple monthes ago), then we had various typhoon bombard various parts of japan, causing localized flooding in kagoshima just last week. Adding onto that, yesterday we had a mild earthquake during the day and then at night Mt. Asama in Gunma prefecture (not too far from where I am - in fact on a clear day we can see the mountain) erupted; spew

User Journal

Journal Journal: September 2nd, 2004

September 2nd, 2004 (0:03am)

Actually I have no intention to be doing journal at such an unbelievable hour... but it seems to have becomming the norm as of late...

-- continues --

User Journal

Journal Journal: Sept 1, 2004 1

Sept 1st, 2004 (0:49am)

This week I had reserved to used the test system from the time slots 5am to 10am monday morning, because for some reason the customer trusts the TDS8000 oscilloscope and it would be darn near impossible to get that scope during normal hours. I have no idea why they really "NEED" the data to be taken with a 20GHz sampling scope, when there is a perfectly good 3GHz scope that is already much more than what the setup calls for - especially since this was probably go

User Journal

Journal Journal: August 28th, 2004 1

August 28th, 2004 (9:04pm)

I am getting so late these days...

Yesterday I was reminded of a story from a long time ago (for me, not in a "age of the universe" scale), I figure I might as well write it down here, though I doubt I will forget it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: August 24th, 2004

August 24th, 2004 (0:56am)

It seems that this few days my schedule has became somewhat in a condition of fubar. Saturday night I did not sleep and instead slept from 9am - 2pm and 4pm - 7pm on sunday, and then proceeded to go to work at about 1am sunday night, going to sleep again from 9:30am until 12:30am (at work, with the boss's permission), and have been up since. Curiously (or, not so curiously) I am quite awake at this moment - maybe the sound of monotonous typing will get me to l

User Journal

Journal Journal: August 18th, erm 19th, 2004

August 19, 2004 (12:12am)

Kinda late...

-- continuing, though --

The afternoon after diving with the whale shark, we wore this smile and went to the beach. Going to the beach after diving always seems kind of... lackluster, especially since we didn't even have snorkel gear. After seeing all the glory under water, the above-water-only scenery seems like something is missing, because you know all the beauty that lies beneath and it's quite irksome to not be able to see them.

User Journal

Journal Journal: August 17th, 2004 6

August 17th, 2004 (7:02pm)

I have been staying here way too these days...

But darnit - I can feel my memories of the trip fading and I have to catch up on them; but yet a lot (well, not like a LOT, but a reasonable amount) has been happening in my normal life that I have not even begun on elaborating those...

So, in a summary mode:

User Journal

Journal Journal: short update on the shortness of time 6

I am expecting delivery today, and I cannot stay in the company to finish today's entry. Doh!

for fun, here is something I drew recently. The other day on the train from tokyo that was badly delayed, everyone was very tired and this girl was no different.

User Journal

Journal Journal: August 12th, 2004 4

August 12th, 2004 (6:43pm)

-- continue --

We strapped on all of the necessary gear, and jumped in and in a instant was engulfed in the feeling of weightlessness. While Mack was still getting things ready, I took a peak downward into the dark jade-coloured depth below. The guy lines for the net reaches down into this huge entity which would be the net-cage for our gentle monster within. I tried to make out shapes of anything moving below, but wasn't able to.

User Journal

Journal Journal: August 11th, 2004 2

August 11th, 2004 (4:45pm)

-- continuing about Okinawa --

User Journal

Journal Journal: August 7th, 2004 2

August 7th, 2004 (8:40pm)

This would be considered a impromptu update.

First of all, yesterday (August 6th), was the anniversary of FatMan making history in Hiroshima. As usual there is the celebrating peace ceremonies and the floating lanterns down the river and various speeches. I guess the same for the last 6 decades or so.

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