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Comment Re:Oh right, Java is dying (again) (Score 1) 371

I work on Java professionally too and also hate it. I've played with Scala but I've actually come to prefer Clojure (a really cool Lisp dialect on the JVM, for anyone that doesn't already know). I'm hoping to work on Clojure or maybe even plain old Lisp at my next job. There are even a few Clojure shops in my neck of the US.

Comment Re:Ahhh ... large corporations ... (Score 1) 371

In terms of major new whiz-bang features that you can show off to a corporate executive or a customer? You're right, not much new. But in terms of making the language suck less to use, Java 7's try-with-resources, Java 8 lambdas, and Java 8 default implementation of interface methods are all hugely helpful. And Java EE is now possible to use without XML hell, just a few annotations and you're all set. They can't change too much, if Java EE10 completely reinvents Java EE then companies completely lose the value of their previous investment in the technology. Likewise one business advantage of Java is that you can compile Java 1.1 code with the Java 8 compiler, so some of the coolest possible advances to the language would take that away.

But what I really want to see is the language as an open standard, so everyone can get the same benefits we see from the GCC vs LLVM competition. As long as Oracle thinks they can make money by avoiding that, it will never happen.

Well, I have two additional wishlists for Java 9 or 10: default language annotation @g @s and @gs on instance variables for auto-generating a public getter, public setter, or both at compile time without making me (my IDE) clutter up the source file by creating one for me and syntactic support for tuples. I think those two things would go a long way towards simplifying the language without hurting how readable code is.

Comment Re:Ahhh ... large corporations ... (Score 1) 371

Facebook's a large company, and they came out with HipHop->HHVM and Hack, and they use the D programming language on some internal tools and employ some of the D language designers full time to work on the language. Google's a large company, and they invented Go and Dart and are helping actively develop both. Yahoo came out with Hadoop. And there are dozens of major and minor open source tools released by all three companies. And of course Red Hat, which as a company with revenue in the single billion dollar range is much smaller than the others, does everything open source.

And Microsoft, of all companies, realized they were losing relevance and started making IE standards-compliant and releasing languages like Typescript as fully open source and an open standard.

Big corporations are usually evil. I grant that. Verizon and Comcast undoubtedly are big enough to have tens of millions of lines of code in internal tools and as far as I know they don't work with open standards and they definitely don't release code or programming tools as open source. But it's not guaranteed.

Comment Re:Nobody kills Java (Score 1) 371

Oracle was evil to do that, but Google could have prevented it and they didn't. Sun was failing before being bought by Oracle, and they tried to negotiate a licensing agreement with Google for Java but failed. If Google had waved half a billion dollars at Sun and said "Here's a one time fee if you make Java an open standard", the current mess would have never happened. Sun probably still would have folded or been acquired eventually, but Android - and Apache Harmony, and gcj would be legally in the clear and the latter two would be actively developed instead of mostly dead.

Comment Re:Lose weight (Score 1) 59

As others noted elsewhere, not all sleep apnea sufferers are obese. I found it a lot easier to control my appetite and exercise more often after I got my CPAP machine, and I'm starting to lose a little weight without extraordinary effort - of course the first ten pounds is always the easiest. So it's not clear to me whether sleep apnea is caused by my obesity or vice versa.

Comment Re:How do I get one? (Score 1) 59

I'm a fat bastard. I have sleep apnea. Maybe it would be fixed if I slimmed down (further). I'm working on it.

My boss has sleep apnea. He's 5'10" and 150 pounds. How slim do you want him to get?

While it's true that most sleep apnea patients are obese and the disease can be caused or made worse by obesity, a significant minority of the sufferers are thin.

Comment Re:IBM (Score 1) 383

I was speaking in the general case, where a company is cutting and outsourcing at the bottom end and paying top dollar and providing bonuses for executives. In this case, no matter how much dislike I have for Microsoft, I'm guessing the move is just plain old cutting of dead weight. Satya Nadella can't think of anything useful to do with this particular set of 18,000 employees, so they're being let go - but he has no plans to replace them with cheaper alternatives. Departments and projects they've decided are not part of Microsoft's future are being shut down.

I'm glad an Indian guy made CEO in the US. I think that's great.

Comment Re:This belongs in the cluster manager (Score 1) 161

If I understand the situation correctly - and it may be that I don't - this is what projects like Docker and chroot jails (?) were created to handle. You get most of the benefits of virtualization without most of the overhead. In a lot of cases you don't need the features that full virtualization provides over them.

Comment Re: Translation: Slash 18K jobs, apply for 18K H-1 (Score 1) 383

I don't have a problem with some man (or woman, whatever) in India getting a good job from a US company. That's fine.

What I dislike is that a US corporation will cut twenty million dollars off their annual payroll, replace it with eight million dollars in foreign workers - some outsourced and some cheaper H1Bs, and then the company divides the other twelve million per year between executives and shareholders. Clearly spending more money to hire, attract, train, and retain good talent is the height of stupidity. Unless of course you're dealing with corporate executives, in which case giving them little bonuses worth more than fifty regular employees earn in a year is the only reasonable way to do business. Long live the oligarchy!

Comment Re:IBM (Score 1) 383

I have nothing against people from India, China, Africa, South America, etc... but you will notice that this ruthless drive to keep productivity up while lowering expenses does not extend to top executives. So you and me and the guy down the street and the woman across town take a pay cut or lose our jobs so someone in Indonesia can have a better life, while the person that decided to axe our positions and everyone on the board of directors get a bigger mansion.

I am happy when anyone anywhere gets a better economic opportunity. That's a good thing. But the more important point is that we're heading towards oligarchy - the middle class in the US is seeing their standard of living move more in line with the rest of the world, the average person in the rest of the world is seeing their standard of living inch towards the American middle class, but the great majority of the financial benefit to cutting middle class wages and outsourcing jobs goes to the 1%.

There is a class war, we're in the middle of it, and we're getting beaten badly.

Comment Re:I guess they won't need any more foreign Visas? (Score 1) 383

A person negotiates for compensation once every few years, at best. The people handling hiring at companies negotiate compensation every day. Companies almost universally make it company policy to forbid employees from discussing compensation with each other.

So when you and your employer are trying to agree on what you're paid, they've got more experience at the negotiation and access to much more information than you have. That makes the game field completely uneven.

Or in other words - no, you're not worth only what you can negotiate out of your employer, regardless of what field you work in.

Comment Re:Donate (Score 1) 101

I prefer GPL to BSD. But any FSF-approved open source license trumps proprietary, so I'll happily use OpenSSL, OpenSSH, LLVM, etc... I make my arguments in favor of GPL, but if the people giving their free time to open source don't agree, it's no skin off my back. I'll take a full top to bottom OpenBSD stack over a walled garden from Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, or anyone else any day of the week.

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