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Comment Re:Apropos lowest retail cost (Score 1) 322

I have a Murker Futur. It was $78...

You can adjust the blade angle/depth to match your shaving condition. (I have an after five shadow by noon, same day, not three days later.)

Blades cost about $20 for 100. I use one per week so that's $98 for two years of shaving. $20 for two years of shaving after initial investment.
So much better than getting robbed by a 6 blade crook.

Comment Re:What MS must do is become less PROPRIETARY (Score 1) 230

I think the problem for Microsoft is that no one will ever forget the exclusivity deals that manufacturers were forced into. The only reason Microsoft was on top is because no one carried a competing product (for fear of retribution). The convicted monopoly was hated by all (unless you where certified as an MSCE). Once some choices came about, thanks to the iOS and Android tablets, folks jumped as fast as they can. I can only hope that no one ever goes back once they break free.
This is my dream. :)

Comment Re:How exactly do you anonymyze location data? (Score 1) 88

And not only that but your commute is as unique as your finger print. You could link an employer address with a home address along with any patents that list both on it and know way to much about a person. The only satisfaction I get from any of this is that I keep my ad blockers on and treat ads like warnings. Don't buy anything that doesn't sell itself.

Comment Re:LOL (Score 4, Insightful) 770

Might also be due to the One Percent moving all the jobs and hope to China, India and South Korea. Lots of U.S. "twenties" are also doing this as well. Those who control the monitarty policies and jobs know very well what they are doing. I am lucky to be in the upper four percent but an increase in H1-B visas could take that all away. We will just pretend that all these things aren't linked together. oh, and it's the porn, speaking of which, I need to go now.

Comment So. (Score -1, Troll) 30

Does anyone actually care about these other planets besides the folks who are trying to get more grant money from the tax paying middle class?

Please. Stop it.

There is nothing out there that we can reach.
Anything that could reach us would kill or enslave us if they are anything at all like us.

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