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Comment Re:How about (Score 0) 96

FLAC is where it's at. you say they already offer lossless, why replace crap (mp3) with crap (opus)?

the only upgrade from lossy is lossless not an alternative lossy codec.

mp3 is fine format because it diversifies their product as they wish making a low quality but compatible version for cheaper, maintaining the original master lossless for those willing to pay more.

Comment sad foe this dude (Score 0) 155

all they did for him was bill his insurance at the ER. they literally only gave him a fucking CT scan which isn't good for detecting brain disorders or any type of injury besides broken blood vessels that result in stroke or broken bones.

an fMRI and HD Fiber Tracking scan can detect actual damage and abnormal brain function. they could auto diagnose his issue but they didn't have the tools at the hospital he went to.

Comment this isn't fair to use Wikipedia as a source (Score 0) 226

Wikipedia doesn't allow factual or classified information on the site. They have admins and editors who will ban anybody who brings up most actual or confirmed conspiracies involving classified abuses of the public. some articles for example will quote a psychiatrists who discredits a particular conspiracy who works for the military, while any mention of the psychiatrists who verified the abuse is real will be edited out and the people who post it banned. I know for a fact Wikipedia is being combed by military and industry cover up experts to make sure certain information stays secret and victims forced to live with fake information discrediting them.

Comment this is not true (Score 0) 114

government already has devised nearly every type of AI imaginable and possesses it for themselves.

people who are arguing for secrecy actually want us to codify into law a secrecy layer to give themselves a monopoly and it supports their global domination strategy to eliminate competitors.

AI Is not as dangerous as they claim because one or two individuals cannot overcome the massive DOD weapons platform already spying on every human being on earth.

the solution to security is to remove the layer of secrecy and exclusive rights ownership giving individuals power to be equals. transparency is more important than secrecy.

don't listen to the EFF they are frauds.

Comment censorship (Score 0) 314

YouTube has never taken a hit by letting people host whatever they want. YouTube is a platform where people can choose what they want to watch or not. However when it comes to ads, YouTube should not be able to ban anyone or discriminate against them from being customers and making money. Capitalism requires businesses allow everyone who is capable to be able to perform work and be paid for that work. It is not fair that YouTube pays people as contractors for content and gets to discriminate against that content. People rely on YouTube to get food put on the table and rent paid.

Comment Re:dont votes retarded (Score 0) 146

at least with the up vote only option, it gives people a chance to get the upvotes they get from the smarter and more insightful of the group, while the negative mentally ill/defective people/misinformed/hateful/trollish can't "downvote."

by the way yes in fact I friend quite a few strangers as I'm a celebrity but I know within my click there are smart educated whistleblower types willing to talk about government crimes, and a hell lot of government trolls and abusers who will come by and post negative things to discredit me. there's also misinformed sheep who occasionally attack me. I stay low key otherwise and do get a lot of upvotes/likes ie 10+ likes/shares/etc, but with the added features to down vote me, my enemies outnumber me and could ruin my numbers and because I'm anticensorship I wouldn't de-friend them or block them for doing it.

I prefer getting rid of the downvote option entirely as it's usually just ripe for abuse rather than performing any actual function.

Comment dont votes retarded (Score 0) 146

down votes aren't worth shit because it's well known the platform harbors many mentally deficient people. when they don't care or get things, they tend to go around trolling, and abusing others with negative comments. even if something is true for example, it gets downvoted here on Slashdot for example. it could be the most classified government information, or industry insider thing, but because the "sheep" here don't get it or agree even if it's the fact they "downmod."

come the fuck on. the internet is a joke show. keep the farce shit off facebook we don't need a downvote option.

Comment Re:Why should JPEG be replaced? (Score 1) 271

my personal viewpoint is we should be moving to lossless video, audio, and pictures on the net. no reason for lossy compression at all.

the limit here is companies like Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile have crapped on us with bad investment in broadband infrastructure while the Republicans controlled the FCC and Congress to promote it, and prevent government regulation to force the upgrades to modern technology like fiber optics and holography.

Yes in fact companies / Republicans are behind many of the shortcomings in American infrastructure including lack of bullet trains, soring rent rates, bad schools, etc. Rather than buy the billionaires rounds of drinks, prostitutes, and yachts, we need to tax that money and force it to be spent on infrastructure in order to get tax breaks like Roosevelt and dwight Eisenhower were aiming for..

Comment this is like the latest exposed NSA bug (Score 1) 375

lets them have access to us secretly whenever they want.. kind of like hidden AMD passwords, and NSA Key's, and holes put in things deliberately..

the only reason to know why this happened is if you did psychic warfare probing on the bastards that designed all these components.


Comment this is like NSA bug (Score 1) 416

lets them have access to us secretly whenever they want.. kind of like hidden AMD passwords, and NSA Key's, and holes put in things deliberately..

the only reason to know why this happened is if you did psychic warfare probing on the bastards that designed all these components.


Comment this is how the satellites/military radar (Score 0) 70

do mind control and environmental tampering - giving them access to our brains, memories, thoughts, etc.

they've had these quantum computers for ages going back to the 1920s-1950s. it was just kept secret and entirely off the record. It was covered up as a big game of psychic warfare, parapsychology, etc whenever it was used on the world around us.

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