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Comment Re:I call horseshit (Score 1) 375

Reading is key to spelling. Read, read, read, read. Read 6 or 7 books a week. Reading Slashdot doesn't count.

If it's 7 books a week ... and each contained 300 pages ... at a rate of 1 page/minute
... that's an average of 5 hours of book reading each day.

That's more sleep than some IT people get!

Comment Re:do it mozilla. (Score 1) 284

One solution to helping friend/roommates/relatives is to give them a detailed bill charging normal market rates.

Then zero out the total with a "courtesy" discount.

This serves several purposes:
It provides them, and you, a detailed record of what was done.
It lets them know that your time is worth money.

Comment Re:Maybe... (Score 1) 202

Maybe... But last I saw, Ford Motor Company wasn't liable for drunk drivers that use their vehicles to drink and drive

Maybe ... But there have been strong attempts to make gun manufacturers liable for the misuse of their products.

Also, as robots become more commonplace in our homes, the "Think of the children!" rally cry could be misused here too.

Comment What about SOX??? (Score 2, Interesting) 72

Wasn't SOX (also know as the 'Corporate and Auditing Accountability and Responsibility Act') supposed to prevent such financial accounting fraud?

Sarbanes–Oxley Section 802: Criminal penalties for violation of SOX

Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Comment Biased? (Score 2, Insightful) 363

We believe that the benchmarks used in Kraken are better in terms of reflecting realistic workloads

Or just better in terms of reflecting where their product is strongest?

Isn't it just a little bit suspicious when the browser people release a benchmark that scores their own browser as the fastest? Intel's benchmark in 2002 was known to have emphasized performance traits specific to Intel chips.

Comment Re:Lets be fair then, (Score 1) 593

I would, however, like to see more people living up to their putative beliefs by refusing to make use of technology derived from practices they claim to find morally objectionable.

I share an Animal Rights ID Card with the animal rights people I meet.

It reads ...

I,(your signature), hereby identify myself as a supporter of animal rights and agree to live my life in accordance with all animal rights principles.

(on other side of card)

So as not to violate my animal rights principles, I hereby request that in the event of an accident or illness, all medical treatments developed and tested on animals be withheld, including, but not limited to: blood transfusions, anesthesia, pain killers, antibiotics, insulin, vaccines, chemotherapy, CPR, coronary by-pass surgery, reconstructive surgery, orthopedic surgery, etc.

When they ask me to sign a petition, I ask them to sign the card and keep it in their wallet/purse.

Comment Re:Disconnected from reality... (Score 1) 260

Seriously. All this technology to check your TIRE PRESSURE? Who the fuck is kidding who?

An ex GF of mine once got a friend to show her how to drive a manual transmission ("stick"). The engine on her friend's car seized up on the highway during the trip home.

Why? Because there was no oil in the car and the friend was too stupid to know how to read the Oil Pressure gauge on her dashboard.

Quote - "Oh! We were wondering why that thingy was bouncing all over the place!"

People pay for convenience and stupidity all the time. It's nothing new, and it's getting worse. I know of quite a few drivers that can't do basic checks and maintenance such as tire pressure, oil level, tire treads, and change the wiper blades. It's how "idiot lights" got invented, and why people depend on an automotive club to change their flat tire. The days of having a mechanic along in the front seat are long gone.

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