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Comment Re:Good news (Score 1) 159

If the rumoured steam-station/box exists then that graphics order alone might sway one or both of AMD/Nvidia to release some drivers if it helped them get the contract.

Even if they're just the drivers for a particular model of card or chipset. That card would also work its way into every Linux desktop I'll ever build.

Comment It's the OpenPandora I'm waiting for! (Score 2) 147

I have a Vita, it's a nice piece of kit, lack of games is a bit of a concern, I've had mine for months yet only 3 games so far. It doesn't help that when on the tube (London Underground) you're lucky to be in a position where you have both hands free. I prefer reading on my kindle, least you're certain to have one hand free during rush hour!

Now portable wise it's the 1Ghz Pandora that I should be receiving next week. Generally it seems qemu is able to emulate roughly a 75Mhz Pentium on there. Just hope that Master of Orion 2 is playable on the move. Oh and I'm not trying to sell one to you (I'm not affiliated in anyway), you should really check it out;

Comment Re:Good decision by Icelandic court (Score 5, Insightful) 168

Well it's not all milk and honey over here. Our airlines ARE supposed to give data to the US government if the airline has anything to do with America. I'm in the UK and were bow down to most US requests for people or information.

Iceland isn't EU (although they are attempting to join afaik), they just happen to be an awesome country that seems to care about such things. They must have been doing a good job, my goverment called them terrorists once for letting their banks fail (oh no, not the banks!).

This might have been feeding a troll but wanted to set a small record straight :)

Comment I'd rather see changes to paralympics... (Score 5, Interesting) 87

How long before the paralympics become some kind of cyborg olympics? It's like the ban of drugs and performance boosters on athletes. We all want to see what records can be broken, just how far can we push the human body (within limits, I don't want to see lives destroyed for a record).

The olympics has become (or was it always in it's modern form?) a corporate circus. So let's go next step and merge formula 1 with it. /A Londoner not looking forward to public transport soon

Comment Re:Puzzled (Score 2) 663

My alienware m11x begs to differ sir. It comes with a hybrid nvidia/intel onboard and I'm able to use nvidia perfectly. It uses the GT 335M and it worked on Gentoo, Mint and more recently Debian.

Of course I'm willing to contend it works because in the bios I can either have the hybrid enabled (forget the exact name of the procedure) or just have nvidia enabled but wanted to correct your statement that has been modded up :).


Comment Re:Linux (Score 1) 400

Couldn't agree more, mine still works as a computer but it suddenly lost it's ability to talk to the mobile tower unless I was sitting next to it :(.

Still, as computers go that can talk VOIP, it's epic. I miss it for day 2 day use :(

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