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Comment Re:Who thinks this? (Score 1) 789

Yeah, putting that cellphone processor into a case ten times as big as a phone and charging $500 for it sure is a bargain, huh?

Sure is, when the previous gen processor with a much smaller screen and the same amount of ram at ~$650...(when you factor out the contract subsidy). Oh - and the market is clearly wiping the floor with Apple, what with the Xoom priced at $600.

Comment Re:No, co's that most WANT you to think them Ethic (Score 1) 465

So is Alcohol.. first of all Alcohol is one of the first antiseptics humans made, has important medical scientific uses; has spurred many innovations. The product is not a bad one, and also, many "green fuel" producers are Alcohol companies (also referred to as Ethanol)

Indeed. I mean, how many people owe their very existence to alcohol?

Comment Re:Apple doesn't do product placement (Score 3, Insightful) 321

But that's just testament to the fact that their products look better than their competitors, and film and TV companies want things that look good.

Indeed, I've seen a lot of Apple "product placement" where they've placed circular silver stickers over the Apple logo on the back of the screens.

Comment Re:What is the point of OSX server? (Score 1) 365

They're looking for the hobbyist who doesn't really care about all the underpinnings. For them, it's enough of a server, with enough server features.

Indeed. Macs running OS X server make decent file servers (for a tiny shop) and single domain web servers (again, for a tiny shop) . Use them for anything more sophisticated and things go to shit quickly. Their configuration screens give novice server admins the false impression that they are actually capable of everything they claim to be.

In my opinion, Mac OS X is an _excellent_ client OS, but a horrendous server OS. At my previous place of employment, my boss wanted to use Mac OS X for everything: DNS, Mail, web application servers, etc. They're just not cut out for it. I fought tooth and nail to replace Mac OS X with Debian every time one of the Mac servers failed (or failed to do what it was supposed to) and my life as the primary sysadmin at the time (i've since left for greener pastures) was much better for it. I should note that I was also the lead software engineer of a very small team, I was much more productive not having to deal with Mac OS X's idiosyncrasies. For servers, Debian "just works." Not so with Mac OS X.

Comment Re:So true (Score 1) 366

We use BCC all the time at my work, any time someone sends an email that remotely effects the entire (small, startup company) everyone@ gets BCC'ed.

Comment Re:Paywall sites are going to be hit pretty hard (Score 1) 345

I was under the impression that, for a while, expert sexchange was allowing the google bot to crawl their whole site, but not allowing users who came from google to actually view the answers. My understanding was that google removed them from their indexer for that, and that they then allowed people who clicked on the link from google (getting the google.com referrer headers) to see the results by scrolling all the way down. Wikipedia, however, is saying that as of Dec. 18, 2010 this is no longer the case, but they appear to be incorrect. A search on google (with site:experts-exchange.com appended to it) shows (to me, anyway) that this is still how they operate. Pasting the same url returned by the google results in a new tab makes the actual results unavailable (and not in the source of the page, at least from my cursory glance at it).

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