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Comment I used to contribute to JBoss (Score 1) 480

I used to contribute to JBoss until I had this happen to me.

I wrote the very first JAAS tutorial and example code for JBoss. It was promptly stolen, the other guy's name added, mine removed and then published to the JBoss community.

I called the plagiarist, Scott Stark, out, he denied it.

I pointed out all "his" code was identical to mine including variable names, he denied it, claiming the variable names were "obvious".

I pointed out this "his" examples contained exactly the same errors as mine did, finally he admitted he'd stolen my work and added my name as a contributor.

That plus Mark Fleury's attitude drove me away and I decided never to contribute to JBoss again.

Comment Sensibility? (Score 1) 68

That word doesn't mean what you think it does:

That word doesn't mean what you think it does.

"Sensibility refers to an acute perception of or responsiveness toward something, such as the emotions of another. This concept emerged in eighteenth-century Britain, and was closely associated with studies of sense perception as the means through which knowledge is gathered. It also became associated with sentimental moral philosophy." - Wikipedia.

Comment Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead (Score 1) 539

  • Destroyed much of Britain's industry, just to remove her opponents' power base.
  • Politicised the police and used them to enforce her party politics: so much so that even today the Conservatives are so politically indebted to the police that they won't reform them.
  • She took Britain into a war over some meaningless rocks in the South Atlantic in order to divert attention from her unpopularity and an imminent kicking in the polls.
  • She destroyed our national rail network- selling it in parts to foreign companies that take truly enormous subsidies (far bigger than the old British Rail ever received) and ship their dubiously earned profits overseas (and certainly never actually invest it back!)- solely because she personally disliked travelling by rail.
  • She sold off national assets and used North Sea oil revenues to fund tax cuts for the rich.
  • She set the stage for that even bigger scum bag and her acolyte, Tony Blair: possibly the most personally corrupt prime minister this country has ever had.

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