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User Journal

Journal Journal: Dropping off

Not too wonderful today. Feeling a bit under the weather. Probably perfectly timed to be ill over the weeked :(. Improv tonight which might wake me up a little though :).

The running order sent out yesterday prompted quite a few comments from participants -- mostly identical so that should be resolved soon.

I should also get around to replying to the e-mails about my article soonish....

User Journal

Journal Journal: Improv

Got the proposed running order for tomorrow's improv show through. Its a wee bit odd, both in pace and assignments, but then I reckon that because Sarah hasn't planned, or appeared in, an improv show with us before. There appear to be some stalling points on odd choices of games but seems OK. Will be playing with some people we haven't worked with much before which should be exciting...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Supervisions

Lots of buggering about required today. Need to buy some Formal Hall tickets, pick up superivision work and, possibly, grab some Grad-lunch. On the other hand I'm feeling pretty bad today. Might leave the ticket buying to this evening - I still need to find someone to buy some for me.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Geek cred 1

Well now my essay has reached geek nirvana (or maybe a geek nadir) and been posted to /.. I've been having fun reading the usual slashbot comments.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Robinson 2

Oh dear... Robinson has got back to me about wandering decs. Wonder how Jennie did. Update: the 'oh dear' was me worrying that Jennie didn't get it whilst I did. That appeared to be the case so, since it wouldn't be fun without her, I'm turning them down. It seems wrong for an actor to turn down their first job :).

User Journal

Journal Journal: Catholics and OSNews

Just come back from the Catholic gig and the workshop. The workshop was cool, some new blood coming along to play some games and fun was had by all. Sarah (the Whose Line... organiser) was there giggling away and writing notes, so Thursday should be good.

User Journal

Journal Journal: TODO list 3

Grrr. Konq. just crashed half way through this entry. I really need to get SuSE up to date. This is an ancient version of Konq. here. Update: no curry tomorrow any more. Saturday is the new day...

Anyhow. Today hasn't had much happening so I'll write my TODO list. In no particular order today I must

User Journal

Journal Journal: Updates

OK, Catholic gig is postponed until tomorrow which is a wee bit annoying as it might interfere with the practice we're having at Kings. OTOH it will be great to get warmed up before the show.

User Journal

Journal Journal: *yawn* -- again

It was Girton Spring Ball last night. Yet again I am reminded that I am an old man and much prefer eating early, having fun and chatting with random people whilst sitting down to partying all night, dancing 'til I'm sick or drinking so much I turn into super-prat.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Arghhh!!

Guess who forgot to got to a Computing Council meeting today! *doh!*

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mmmm tea...

Not much to say at the moment. Been wrestling with arch to attempt toget some patches from other people into my DesktopManager tree. Its hard going.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Excitement

Well Jane the cleaner just had an epileptic fit in our tea-room which was quite exciting.

Anyhow, got in late today after waking up late (could there be some connection?) due to exciting parties with Jennie et al last night. We all went for a curry then some people filtered back to Jennie's house to fist some monkeys.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Early mornings

*need coffee*

This early morning lark is hard going. Jennie asked me at 3am this morning to make sure she work up early. As is my role, I hid the alarm and set it for silly o'clock.

This morning was hard.

Never mind. Up now and in work early. Had the nice suprise of thinking I had a supervision but finding that they are all tomorrow. As soon as the canteen opens here I'm grabbing some coffee. I could of course make some in the lab but I'm lazy.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fedora... discuss

OK, well just spent a merry while being pissed off with Fedora. One of the boxen here we use for motion capture runs it (mostly as an experiment) and has crashed and burnt on us -- so much I just decided to say 'fsck it' and install SuSE. I've got SuSE on my main work box and it is OK for my needs, plus CUED have a nice NFS mirror we can use.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Yo-Ho Me Hearties

Yearghh. Another Monday morning. The bus was a good 10 minutes late this morning so I got frozen waiting. Luckily its not as cold as it has been but...

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