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Comment Interesting (Score 1) 260

>Give me one other part of history where everybody shows up to the same social space.

How about Usenet? It was the social space of the Internet through the 90s.

I really miss Usenet and the ability to go to one social space for all my hobbies. Now I have to hop on dozens of different forums. Rather than just fire up my Usenet client and go to rec.collecting.stamps, I end up going to 3 different web sites.

Comment This is Microsoft FUD (Score 1) 629

EVERY person that wants to build a third party YouTube app for their device is required to do so using HTML5. This is not a requirement only forced on Microsoft. It's one of the reasons why there is no native app for the Roku, and why the Apple removed their YouTube app from iOS.

Microsoft is bitching about the same thing when it comes to their Calendar app on Windows Phone and Windows 8. They claim Google cut them off from ActiveSync and Google tells them to use Caldav. Well, even the upcoming Windows 8.1 release still doesn't use caldav. Microsoft has no interest in adding Caldav support to Windows. Caldav directly competes with Exchange calendar functionality. At one point (or maybe they already did), Microsoft was going to yank IMAP support from Exchange server. Their solution to server side mail was Exchange Server and Outlook Client.

This really is a classic case of Microsoft not wanting to implement open standards, because they compete with their proprietary business protocols.

Running the Youtube site on Android or iOS gives you an experience almost as good as the native app. It really isn't Youtube's fault that Microsoft ships an inferior browser with their product.

Comment Remember (Score 1) 381

There was a huge stink back in the early 2000s, when Sting attempted to seize, a website that had been the front end from a success pest control business for a few years. The funny part was, the guy was more than willing to sell the name to Sting, but Sting never even approached him with an offer. He simply tried to take it to court.

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