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Comment Re:Yes meanwhile.. (Score 4, Interesting) 167

I'd lay much of the blame at Google's feet. 5.01 remains pretty broken on my Nexus 4. The carriers are wise not to jump on it.
For two months now I've lived with a dialer that takes 3-4 seconds to respond to screen touches and random, complete phone lockups (about 1 every few days)
I'm not the only one: and NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT from Google.

I have a phone that can't reliably perform the most basic function of a phone and I'm fairly pissed off about it at this point... Windows phone is looking like a real possibility now. And you can forget about converting my iphone using wife. She's laughing her ass off.

Comment Re:Fact: Free Trade doesn't work (Score 1) 484

If you condemn free trade without condemning capitalism in general, all you are doing is redrawing the lines so they suit you. Capitalism, in the long term, seems fundamentally incompatible with basic human decency (and most religious morality) and will eventually produce gross inequalities. As Americans, possibly as humans, this usually doesn't bother us as long as we perceive ourselves to be ahead or at least believe we have a path to get ahead.

Comment Lollipop is broken for many. (Score 1) 437

Very broken. The dialer isn't even reliable. (
Not to mention that the interface is more inconsistent than ever.

OEMs are wise to wait a bit and I now fully realize that as a Nexus owner, I'm a beta tester. I might reconsider my next purchase.

Comment Re:Well understood technologies ... (Score 1) 252

<quote><p>She complains of having to use a laptop from 2013? WTF? The same goes for the Blackberry, if it's doing it's job - what's the problem that it's not "cutting edge"?</p><p>The problem here isn't the technology the White House is using, the problem is a manager without a clue. (Which shouldn't come as a real surprise, as she doesn't appear to have any actual qualifications for the job other than having worked at Google.)</p></quote>

Is she complaining or the NYT? I couldn't tell.

Comment Why leave home? (Score 1) 400

There are only 1 or 2 movies a year which I feel are worth a trip to the cinema. Anything else can wait to be watched on my home system which, like most these days, delivers a very nice viewing experience. I still feel like most of what I watch is crap though and wouldn't cry if there were less of it.

Sometimes I feel we are all "fiddling" while "Rome" burns. And while I know I'm getting old, watching people do horrible things to each other is not as fun as it used to be... it's just more explicit. Extreme violence seems to be the lowest common denominator in TV & cinema.

Comment Re:Call Comcast? (Score 1) 405

My employer runs their entire business on Comcast business class internet and we are not being blocked as you describe. Are you sure something else isn't going on?

That said, I also run my own mail server at home, on a comcast consumer connection, and I use google's mail servers to proxy my outbound mail. I got in on free google apps for your domain account back during the beta... but you may be able to pull this off with a normal gmail account. Just set your mail server to forward through googles smtp servers using your gmail credentials. Not sure if this will work if your reply to address domain is not hosted by google.
What really sucks is that Comcast also blocks inbound port 25 on consumer accounts so I have my mail delivered to google and then I transfer it to my own mail server via pop/imap, in theory leaving nothing on the google servers but probably rather pointless in practice. This is what I'm reduced to unless I wan't to pay more for a business connection. There has never been any such thing as net neutrality at the consumer level here, afaict. Every internet connection I've ever had has been asynchronous and limited in some way.

Comment All my LEDs still work. (Score 1) 602

hmmm.... I've got 20 or so LED bulbs in my house, installed over the last 2-3 years and have not lost one. Most are Phillips, purchases when on sale. The most I ever paid for one was about $15 and the latest ones cost $5.

I've gotten better results with LED than either CFL or incandescent.

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