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Comment Re:Helping a full third of all citizens? (Score 1) 80

Most town websites I've seen are fairly unidirectional. They are for disseminating information out, not for communicating with town officials. Sure they usually have an email address, if you can find the email for the right person in the town.

I guess the advantage of Twitter is that nobody can go on long rambling tirades like they can with email. It enforces brevity.

Comment Everybody got off scott free then (Score 3, Funny) 46

Prior to this Sergey Aleynikov was the only person connected with the global financial meltdown to receive any prison time at all in the US. Now that it has been dismissed we can say that nobody involved in destroying the savings and retirements of billions of people around the world was significantly punished. At least they gave their word that they wouldn't engage in the sort of risky behavior that collapsed the global economy again I guess, and we know that investment bankers are as good as their word.

Comment Sadly, gas is cheaper than electricity in CA (Score 3, Interesting) 688

I just bought a Ford C-Max Energi; but I bought it strictly for the green carpool-lane sticker.

In California, if you live in a big house, your marginal cost of electricity is shockingly high. For me, it's $0.33/kilowatt-hour.

My Energi goes 20 miles with a 8 kWh charge. That's $2.64 On gas, it gets about 35 mpg. If gas is $3.50 (current price) that's $2.20.

Now, during mid-day on a sunny day, I can charge it much cheaper on our solar panels (currently we are selling power back to PG&E, but at $0.11/kWh) and I do that. I also charge it at work, where it's 'free'; but I live 50 miles from work so I can't keep the car charged just at work. The 'free' power at work won't last forever, either.

You may ask "why not get a Tesla?" Good question. It turns out that there are (at my company) 3x the number of electric-ish cars as there are charging stations, so we have to swap them out after just a few hours. The Tesla would take all day to charge. Also, the Tesla is such a lumbering overpowered beast that it gets substantially less miles-per-kilowatt-hour.


Comment Reading her mind... (Score 1) 132

Somebody I know started taking antidepressants some time ago, and they helped the depression quite a bit. One curious thing, though, is that once she is taking them, she assumes that I can read her mind; that I obviously know what she is thinking. She stopped taking them for a while, and it was immediately apparent that she no longer felt that way, then when she started taking them again, it was back.

Comment Re:Good idea (Score 1) 107

Maybe you can talk securely. Nobody has publicly announced any vulnerabilities in HMAC-MD5 yet, but that MD5 piece hanging off of there makes me nervous. If Amazon is willing to say that they no longer support Windows 3.11 for Workgroups users buying products from the Amazon store, it is their call. They have to weigh the loss of customers over discovering later that some weird long forgotten part of their OpenSSL implementation gave the keys to the kingdom over to the hackers.

Comment Re:Kids don't understand sparse arrays (Score 2) 128

No, but you will need the CS degree to be a good programmer. If you know what is going on under the hood you can avoid those O(N^5) operations that make your code inefficient. If you just blindly use whatever looks vaguely correct in the standard library you'll never know why your code is so slow.

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