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Comment Re:Abbott is a moron (Score 1) 306

Learning any specific language isn't so important IMHO, but learning how to solve problems logically is certainly a skill that more people could use. Learning how to decompose large problems into smaller ones that can be solved individually is also really valuable. Programming itself is maybe less important than being able to think like a programmer. It's not a natural skill, and I meet a lot of adults that are downright terrible at this.

Comment Re:Clean room implementation? (Score 5, Interesting) 223

If the laws we have now were in place back then the computer revolution wouldn't have happened. We would still be paying $5000 for IBM Mainframe access terminals.

Or in a slightly less Dystopian view, computers today would look like iPhones, with one vendor having a stranglehold on the platform and completely anemic third party hardware support outside of cosmetics.

Comment Re:nobody saw it coming... (Score 3, Insightful) 335

Markets always crash. It's how they operate. People make money not by owning stocks, but by owning stocks that are moving. It's not in their interest to have a stable marketplace. That's why the stock market will always be volatile, because the people who run it need the volatility to skim off their percentage.

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