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Comment Re:People who cheat should blame themselves, not F (Score 1) 494

Facebook is to infidelity what cheap HFCS is to obesity

This is so true. Facebook is reviled on Infidelity websites/support groups. It makes it way too easy to find that friend of a friend that you had a one-night stand with in college or that former co-worker that was kinda cute. Granted, you can still find people to fool around with using non-internet methods. It's a catalyst, it lowers the energy required to do something.

Comment Re:Movies vs. Real life (Score 1) 228

My son and I were watching Godzilla vs. Hedora (aka the smog monster) last night. He didn't ask about it so I brought up the Gulf oil spill. No there won't be a giant monster (thank goodness because there's no real Godzilla to fight him for us). Later on I thought to myself, in a way the effect is the same, places get ruined, things die, and we did it to ourselves..

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