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Comment Don't be sorry (Score 1) 496

"Sorry I revealed your dirty laundry and forced you to admit the truth."

In light of his solitary confinement abuse and who knows what else I'll take his statement with a grain of salt. The government's track record for torture and abuse isn't that good.

Comment Re:I have tried insects before (Score 4, Insightful) 655

I think you pretty much nailed it here. With bigger animals like cows and even shrimp you can separate the meat from the shell, with insects you can't. Insect exoskeletons also frequently come with spiny legs, thoraxes, etc, not the most pleasant things to have in your mouth or try to swallow.

Supposedly roasting insects and grubs makes the interiors firmer and less gooey. As far as taste goes it is telling that advocates always (for instances) promote chili powder covered or chocolate dipped insects. Even they can't handle eating bugs as they are.

There is also the issue of disease and parasites. I'm not sure you can clean insect bodies off as thoroughly as you could, say, a lobster. With beef you are taking meat that hasn't been exposed to the environment unlike insect bodies. With insects you are also eating the contents of their digestive tracts.

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