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Comment Re:What moron puts IPMI public facing? (Score 3, Insightful) 102

In increasing order of moron, here are a few ways that this can happen:

1) The IPMI may share the same port as the primary network interface.

2) You may have requested an expensive switching architecture with proper VLAN segregation, but your manager only approved you to take the old D-Link box from under his desk, forcing everything to be on the same segment.

3) The people who run the datacentre may have thoughtfully connected every Ethernet port they could find to your switch, even the one with that funny wrench symbol on it, without telling you. In many cases it's possible for a server to be purchased, received, installed, configured and put into production without any of its owners ever seeing it in person. Throw in a heavy dose of "It's somebody else's problem" all around and anything can happen.

4) In some organizations (and I'm not going to name any), IT policy like "All management ports must be reachable from our head office and the IT support desk in Hyderabad" is set by people who think that "security" means remembering to lock their Lexus.

Comment Re:Wha? (Score 2) 102

SuperMicro built these PIN code locks with the correct code clearly printed on the side of the PIN entry panel.

What's even more frightening is what some of those codes were set to by the security conscious (or is that unconscious) people in charge of them:

[...] at the point of this writing, there are 31,964 systems that have their passwords available on the open market. It gets a bit scarier when you review some of the password statistics. Out of those passwords, 3296 are the default combination. Since I’m not comfortable providing too much password information, I will just say that there exists a subset of this data that either contains or just was “password”.

President Skroob's luggage looks like Fort Knox compared to these things.

Comment Whose press release was this copied from? (Score 4, Interesting) 51

Bletchley Park looked to its most valuable resource — the veterans who worked there

...and fired them for daring to show historic computers to visitors. And then kicking out the amateur radio society to replace them with a gift shop, and finally putting up a chain link fence to make sure nobody accidentally visits the real museum in building H.

The only reason the current Bletchley park management haven't levelled the place to put up a Starbucks is that the donors might notice and cut off their multi-million pound gravy train.

Comment Re:market at work (Score 1) 325

If people in this field actually tried to use this amazing insight to better the world, society might put more value in it.

Instead, they circle jerk amongst themselves with projects so bafflingly abstract that no one outside of their field gets any kind of value out of it.

There's no need to keep bashing on Computer Science here.

Comment Re:Are they taking advice from law schools? (Score 1) 325

But a reasonable period in academia of 4 or 5 years for a PhD should be enough to differentiate candidates and put them on that track or not, instead of leading people along for 7+ years before flushing them.

What, and give up three or more years worth of tuition, fees, and cheap labour? You're talking as if the goal of a University is somehow academic in nature, rather than to make as much money as possible.

Comment Re:Because... (Score 1) 325

I was never given the impression that my parents took me to little-league games for the purpose of that I might someday become a profession athlete. More likely, they just thought having some athletics would be beneficial, both socially and medically.

If only there was some sort of parallel with the study of things like history, art and literature here.

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