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Comment Depends on the tax (Score 1) 470

I'm actually OK with being charged for the bags if the money collected is allocated to a system that actually addresses a direct bag created issue such as upgrading recycling facilities to better handle them so they don't just go into landfills. What I am against in a general sin tax on bags that goes and funds whatever it is the government wants to fund with the money collected.

Comment Reading between the lines (Score 1) 154

in 2011 BEA was hired to development an alternate helmet. Basically the contractor developing the original helmet was falling behind so BEA was hired to create one to scare them straight. Pretty common tactic which seems to have worked as the primary helmet seems to be up to snuff now. BEA knew this would be the likely outcome which would explain things perhaps not being up to snuff.

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
