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Comment Re:Is lying an absolute right? (Score 1) 484

I feel as if you're using a peculiar definition of "cause" that to me comes across as one would use it (Not saying you are specifically) to remove responsibility from the situation.

Gravity causes things to fall to the earth.  Slashdot does not cause me to waste time at work, even though i waste time at work reading Slashdot.

Comment Re:Photographers, anyone? (Score 1) 347

I personally love the look of film (particularly the tonal range of BW film and the crazy colors of expired stuff) but I work exclusively in digital (for a couple of reasons, film cost being high on the list)  I would like to get to that point someday, but not in the foreseeable future.

This seems like a neat thing to me because Hasselblads are awesome cameras, although I think the film "feel" is a big part of the reason shots from them are highly regarded (at least it seemed so in the discussions I've been a part of) and emulating particular film in digital processing is still imperfect (Although a Lightroom guru can do some amazing things)

The only people I know who shoot a lot of film still are either doing so for a specific artistic reason (e.g., amazing black and whites as I mentioned) or are following a trend (e.g., hipsters and their holgas and photography)

I'm not a pro, fwiw, just an enthusiastic amateur.

Comment Re:The Real Counterfitters are The Fed (Score 1) 515

I think I may be missing something from the FCCA link.  Perhaps I didn't read carefully enough but:

1) While the idea of multiple currencies is interesting on the face of it, what stops me from being forced to deal in ones I don't care to because at the whim of my employer, or a monopoly service provider?

2) What keeps gold producers (or any entity with gold reserves really) from manipulating value by controlling supply in a way that reinforces their interests?  As a parallel, suppose I transact business in oil based currency and demand drops, flooding the market and dropping the value like a stone? Or a massive new reserve could be uncovered, etc.

3) It seems like the last thing we need is more financial middlemen, and this would create a whole new market for currency-changers.

Comment Re:Still out of date (Score 1) 515

My experience in retail was that 5s always seem to run low.

The last two places I worked a register, the boss rarely had many 10s in the drawer, so dropping (for example) 2 20's on a 22 dollar puchase would get 3 fives back.  That purchaser would likely be annoyed to get 15 ones so that's where the fives go first

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The last thing one knows in constructing a work is what to put first. -- Blaise Pascal
