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Comment Re:Discontinue Unsuccessful Products (Score 1) 226

What discontinued Adobe product are you talking about? It's a serious question.
They either transitioned the software (GoLive to Dreamweaver for example) or they still support it (Framemaker, Director).

I can't think of any of their products that was abruptly discontinued without an upgrade path or support for quite a long time.

Comment The author has the RAW file. Case closed (Score 5, Informative) 182

The gritty look on the picture can be achieved with a local contrast filter. Combined with contrast and saturation manipulation, it's pretty easy to do. In Lightroom is just a matter of setting a few sliders - Darks, Highlights, Clarity, Vibrance and Saturation.

Furthermore, the author says he has the RAW file and it was examined by the jury. Personally I know of no software that can currently reverse a jpeg into raw. It should be possible in theory to fake a raw file, but I sincerely doubt it's the case.

Analyzing jpeg artifacts is snake oil. My photo workflow is this: shoot in RAW. Edit in Lightroom. Convert to ProPhoto 16bit/channel. Open in Photoshop, make any fine adjustments if needed. Output to jpeg. Only fools edit and re-save jpegs.

This is simply one of the "fake moon landings" conspiracies, started by people who don't understand photography.

Comment What I did for all about 50,000 emails (Score 2) 282

I had to archive the emails since 1996. They were in multiple formats - Outlook Express dbx, Mailbox from Netscape Navigator and Thunderbird, Outlook.

I converted all of them in .eml format. It's a simple, text format that can be read by the OS and easily parsed by any program and script. Much better than mbox or something else. Then I renamed all of them according to a rule - YYYYMMDDhhmm [From] [Subject]

Now I can easily find any email. I can browse them using the file system, I can search them using the OS or via a script. Windows indexes them and extracts the metadata so any search is very quick.

Comment WordPress (Score 4, Informative) 192

For better or worse, WordPress has more marketshare than all other CMS-es combined.
See for an up-to-date look.

Many people still think of WordPress as a blogging platform, but it's really so much more nowadays. Security is not worse than with other solutions, it's just that (like with Windows), popularity attracts attention (and attacks), and usually poorly-made plugins are the problem (the timthumb vulnerability was the most notorious one).

I worked with many CMS solutions over the years - Allaire Spectra (anyone remember it?), DotNet Nuke, Typo3, CMS Made Simple, Joomla, Drupal, even hosted solutions like Squarespace and a bunch of others I can't even remember, but WordPress was the only one I could really develop for (functionality, themes, etc.)

Comment What worries me (Score 2) 342

Reading the article, the companies are unhappy with the Transportation Department rule that requires them to include all taxes in their advertised rates because that rule "violate their free-speech rights".

The "free speech" card is so abused nowadays that it will soon lose any meaning.

Comment Re:Islamic extremist values (Score 5, Insightful) 193

You know what's funny? I notice the same attitude in US (I'm from Europe).

The American public is OK with movies showing all and any kind of violence - from "simple" headshots to horrific torture and mutilation. But when the same movie is showing some skin, they have to mention how disgusted they are. I just don't get it.

Comment Misinforming, as usual (Score 5, Informative) 373

Man, I don't know why I even bother to visit Slashdot these days. Everything is so much misinformation that you're wiser not reading anything.

If anything, this post is like the one from yesterday about rooting the Nexus 4 phone.

Here's the deal: Some CSS properties, before becoming standard, have vendor-specific prefixes, like -moz, -webkit, -ms and -o. Sometimes their syntax is different (for example with gradients), or things like border-radius-top-left vs border-top-left-radius. As they become standardized. the prefix is dropped.

Now, MS is advising developers to include the W3C-standard property name instead of (or in addition to) the vendor-specific one.

To give a simple example, MS supports the W3C standard border-radius, but if the developer only targets -webkit-border-radius, it will work only in webkit. BTW, webkit also supports W3C border-radius, so there's currently no reason to use the prefix, at least on this property.

Comment Been there, done that, never again (Score 5, Interesting) 615

Eight years ago I worked with my team of 12 for 110 days at 16 hours per day. We had to because the project was late (due to client's management and internal politics) and because we were paid by the hour.

Financially it was worth it, the pay was very good and let's just say it changed my life. In terms of accomplishing anything however, I think the money was not well spent. Everyone was so tired after 8-10 hours that they just faked it. Productivity was very low, the resulting code was crap, morale was abysmal even with the financial incentives. Luckily most of the team members were single (only 3 of us were married). After 100 days, no one could actually do any real work that required thought, we had to wind down for a month.

Like I said, I think it was a good experience (both financially and in learning one's limits) but I would not do it again. I don't think an artist or programmer can be productive more that 6-8 hours/day, everything else is browsing, chatting, faking it or simply doing bad work.

Anything past occasional shit-happens-needs-to-be-fixed-now overtime is bad management. When young people are involved, it's relatively easy to push them into pulling insane hours, because they may be single and want to prove themselves and don't know their limits and don't know any better, but it's not productive.

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