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Comment Re:Yes & the sheer amount of existing code/fra (Score 1) 414

I strongly agree with the parent. My favorite language implements this in a similar way to the parent's favorite:

my @items = (1, 15, 27, 3, 54);
my @result = grep { $_ > 10 } @items;

I appreciate coding in a language that allows me to quickly and understandably (yes, Perl can be understandable... or not :-) get my thoughts into code. I used to enjoy coding in Lisp for the same reason (still would, if I could use Lisp at work these days). I enjoy coding in Java also, but the difference is noticeable.

Submission + - Make the case for Perl CGI.pm Deprecation (cpan.org)

helixcode123 writes: I (and likely many other Slashdot Perl coders) have been happily using CGI.pm to make our lives, or at least the part of our lives that spend writing server-side web apps, simple and trouble free. Easy to programmatically generate HTML, web forms, and so on. So I happened to be coding remotely today, and bring up the CPAN CGI.pm page only to find that it is now being deprecated in favor of other packages, mainly templating systems and frameworks.

Now, obviously templating systems and frameworks have their place, but I've always enjoyed the flexibility provided by the CGI.pm API. I'll often set HTML element classes according to data values, and likewise set content-releated elements according to the nature of the data. The trouble with templates is... they are templates. If content is highly conditional on the data, then I'm not sure how a template system would be better suited than the API provided by CGI.pm.

So can any of my fellow Perl programmers give some advice to those of us that see no deficiencies in CGI.pm? Are we just being old fogies unwilling to embrace the new and better, or are we wisely wary of the "it's better because it's new" bandwagon?

Comment Re:How to totally screw up my ability to code: (Score 1) 181

Musician and programmer here (see shameless plug below). I completely agree. One of my colleagues always has music playing in one of our coding labs. It's nice music, often Mozart, but it just yanks my concentration. When I code I like to be able to immerse myself in it. Music keeps me buoyed up at the surface.

Comment Re:If it's cloud based like Office 365 (Score 1) 191

Yes. My kids do all of their school writing assignments on Google Drive (Docs); my daughter, now in college, did all of her work on the Google cloud during High School, and the kids love the real time collaboration features. My youngest, in 4th grade, uses a "private" Google service that their school set up. My point here is that I'm sure many people are using these Google services and Microsoft saw the writing on the wall. That is likely what helped the App group divorce themselves from the OS group in this matter.

Note that the separation is not that strong. For example, I wanted to import a spreadsheet as a table into a Sharepoint wiki page (cloud based), and it required ActiveX. However, both Firefox and Chrome seem to be smart enough that if you do a CTRL-C from Libreoffice on the cells you want to import as a table, and then do a CTRL-V on the wiki page, it does the table conversion. That was a very pleasant surpise.

Comment If it's cloud based like Office 365 (Score 1) 191

it could be a decent service for folks on Linux. My company has gone with Office 365, and while the actual Office apps are currently a bit weak, Outlook works pretty well. Since I prefer Linux, and run it on my development machine, I have to boot up my VPN to do Windows based tasks. Running their apps on the browser would be more convenient for me.

However, my current take is that their cloud application suite (Word, PPT, Sharepoint) isn't nearly as functional as the Google Drive analogs.

Comment Re:emacs (Score 1) 531

Emacs is a necessity for me.
For editing local and remote (via tramp) files.
Run simple shells, compile, grep, diff, clean directories. All within emacs.

Long time Emacs user here. Can you expand on "clean directories" please? Parent posters have mentioned Tramp, the ability to (nearly) seamlessly edit files on remote system. This is a wonderful feature, along with ediff, for merging updates on my development system (i.e. my laptop) with my deployed code on my remote VPS.

Comment Re:I wonder... a time machine and a NetBSD install (Score 1) 154

Remember that many of the early UNIX variants (SunOS, HP/UX, some others) started out on the 68000 chip. It was a very well designed and flexible chip. Then PowerPC was supposed to be a platform. (Remember CHRP? of course not).

Macs have this image of oddball hardware, but except for NuBus it really wasn't all that true.

Early? You call Unix on a 68000 Early? By cracky, I started out back in 1981 on our shared university system that ran on a DEC PDP-11/70. Boy were we all excited when a few years later we got to run on a VAX!

And fortunately this was in California so the 5 miles I had to walk up hill to get to the computer lab was free of snow.

Comment Calendar access: Yes you can (Score 3, Funny) 435

TFA's statement "And neither configuration gives you access to calendars and contacts." is just wrong, or at least misleading. While it's true that you can't access calendar info through IMAP, there is an entire Google calendar API for event manipulation (I use in my Sig webapp).

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