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Comment Re:10c text messages (Score 3, Insightful) 163

You'd think when they charge you 10c per text message, that'd be something people reject. Especially when any random stranger can send you spam which you have to pay for.

I believe the ridiculous rates for texting are proof that there is collusion in this market. Something with such little overhead (essentially none) should not be able to sustain such a high cost if there is adequate competition. I think people would reject it, if they had a choice.

Comment Re:bicycle equivalent MPG (Score 2, Insightful) 1141

For all the oil products that it takes to plant, create and use fertilizer and pesticide, harvest, process, package, distribute, and cook those 12,000 calories, it is less clear how much of an energy savings you've created by biking.

This is why I gave up food and started drinking crude oil. People are incredibly wasteful.


Risk Aversion At Odds With Manned Space Exploration 371

Several readers including tyghe!! sent in a Popular Mechanics piece analyzing the Augustine Commission's recommendations and NASA itself in terms of a persistent bias towards risk aversion, and arguing that such a bias is fundamentally incompatible with the mission of opening a new frontier. "Rand Simberg, a former aerospace engineer finds the report a little too innocuous. In this analysis, Simberg asks, what happens when we take the risk out of space travel? ... Aerospace pioneer Burt Rutan said a few years ago that if we're not killing people, we're not pushing hard enough. That might sound harsh to people outside the aerospace community but, as Rutan knows, test pilots and astronauts are a breed of people that willingly accepts certain risk in order to be part of great endeavors. They're volunteers and they know what they're getting into."
The Internet

Submission + - .org now signed for DNSSEC (pir.org)

lothos writes: "As of today, 06/02/2009, the Public Interest Registry (www.pir.org) has signed the tld .org for DNSSEC. .ORG, The Public Interest Registry is dedicated to the security and stability of the internet. In our effort to bolster Internet security, we are implementing Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) within the .ORG Top Level Domain. DNSSEC is designed to protect Internet servers from domain name system attacks, such as DNS cache poisoning by malicious users. It is a set of DNS extensions which provide 3 basic functions:

        * Data Origin Authentication — assures that data is received from the authorized DNS server; can protect from impersonation attacks
        * Data Integrity — assures that data received matches data on the origin DNS server, and is not modified during transit; protects from man-in-the-middle type pollution attacks.
        * Authenticated Denial of Existence — assures that a "Non-existent" response is valid."


Submission + - Office Servers SP2 Creates Ticking Time-Bomb

flatt writes: SharePoint and Project Admins, beware! The Microsoft SharePoint Product Group has confirmed a bug in the recently released Service Pack 2 for the 2007 Microsoft Office Servers where upon installation, all installs silently revert to a Trial installation. This creates a time-bomb scenario where, after 180 days, the server farm would not be available. A workaround of re-entering the product key is recommended.

The Office Servers line includes the following products: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Search Server 2008, Search Server 2008 Express, MOSS 2007 for Search, and Microsoft Office Project Server 2007. Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 is not affected.

Submission + - Wal-Mart wants to install Solar Power.

RipTides9x writes: " last month Wal-Mart put out a RFP (request for proposal) to Solar Electric Suppliers and expects to receive responses early this month, according to a representative. The move is part of a long-term plan to convert to renewable energy sources. Wal-Mart has already set up two experimental stores, one in McKinney, Texas, the other in Aurora, Colo. These stores are already using renewable power sources, including solar and wind. Makower said the Wal-Mart proposal called for a system that could be replicated across its stores in five states and make use of available roofing space.... Wal-Mart!"

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