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Comment Re:Clinton Democrats (Score 4, Insightful) 413

Mr. Clinton and Mrs. Clinton, the former Walmart exec., gave China MFN status which started the huge growth of Chinese industry in the late 90's. The common "Walmart America" upper middle class Clintonista is all about shelves full of Chinese stuff to fill their mcmansions, and with the possible exception of Obama you can't find a bigger proponent of TPP than Clinton.

It was Obama Democrats that tripped up this trade deal. Blacks, labor and others have been made surplus people through competition with disposable foreign workers and they've finally — after half a century — figured it out.

Comment Re:Not shared by everyone (Score 1) 637

Saying that responding will require "drastic measures that will destroy the Western world's economy" is hyperbolic alarmism.

The fuck it is. You mother fuckers are the real "austerity."

Japan had to stop indulging you hairshirt statists when they shut down their nukes. "Renewables" aren't making up the difference. Gas and oil does that. Australia had to kick you fucks to the curb after they got a good taste of what you wanted to inflict; they took your "carbon tax" and stuffed it up your tail pipe before you could ruin their country.

1 or 2%

Your bullshit impact figures are just as bogus as your downplayed costs, your exaggerated benefits and your climate fear mongering.

Comment Re:Good PR for congress (Score 0) 106

She must be bringing something home, because she has been there for a very long time.

She does; she says mean things about the "rich", coporations and the rest of the libtard boogey men. CA knuckleheads lap that shit up even as they're pounding on Zillow to find someplace they can afford to live after fucking up their own state.

Comment What happened here? (Score 1) 85

k.... I tried to follow the thinking here and failed.

It's as though someone took the terrified mind of a Sierra Club propagandized millennial and blended it with the mind of a slashdot basement dweller; out pops a strange being that blathers endlessly about 3D printing, climate change and saving the world.

Comment Re:Hypocrite! (Score 1) 167

Dude, your moniker is a reference to the Navy.

The Navy isn't hiding its entire fleet of war planes behind shell corps and surveilling US cities with them. There is a big difference between the sovereign armed forces of a nation and a creepy, clandestine, unaccountable government operation to surveil its citizens, and I make exactly that distinction, so this supposed "hypocrisy" is nothing more than your fevered imagination.

I'm no conspiracy nutter; this whole kerfuffle is nothing more than what happens when you employ way too many government employees and fund them with way too much money; attributing some dark conspiracy to it is probably giving it way more credit than it deserves.

But there certainly is no better way to fuel the black helicopter crowd then actually finding a fucking fleet of black helicopters. And yeah, I know they are fixed wing. Fuck off.

Comment Re:You Mean...? (Score 5, Insightful) 468

You mean someone uses Windows built-in DVD playback?

Yes. The codec in Windows 7 (ultimate) and its integration with Media Player produces smoother playback with less system load than VLC. The difference grows (up to a point) when other activity competes for resources while playing DVD or Blu-ray video.

You may not realize that, and it may not even occur for your particular collection of hardware. I didn't pick up on it for a long time, but at some point I noticed the difference and since then I've used Media Player. And I'm not some crazy 'phile that obsesses over imaginary minutia; I spend less than average on media gear and I'm not particularly sensitive to minor phenomena. But I can tell the difference between VLC and Media Player, and I can measure the difference in system load.

So yeah, it kinda sucks that the DVD codec Microsoft provides is going away. Will I care enough to not just use VLC? We'll see. I also use VLC frequently; it's better when coping with with random media and does a lot of tricks WMP won't. I have no problem with VLC at all. But if I can get better results with something else then I just might do that instead.

Comment Re:50 aircraft? Actual count: 97 (Score 1) 167

my information is clearly more complete than what is in the AP story

They're doing what they always do; drip drip drip out the bad news, a little worse each time. Fifty?!! Wow. 97?? Well, that's only 47 more than 50 so; "no new information," as their spokes-fucks will say.

It's going on right now with the anthrax news. Yesterday the DOD revealed they sent live anthrax into Canada, in addition to the 12 US states they had already admitted to.

The Clintons have been pulling this crap since the 90's. They're dripping out Foundation donor information one foreign turd at a time; timed to run out long before the election. They've got the State Department dripping out their copies of her emails on a published schedule now.

They know there are far more than 50 aircraft. So does the AP. They'll admit to a few more in a couple news cycles. They'll probably fess up to the whole number just before Rand Paul or whomever seats the first hearing on it.

Comment 50 aircraft (Score 5, Insightful) 167

That's a big fleet of planes. Just think, one "not secret" program inside one bureau of one branch of our Federal Government controls 50 aircraft, and we're not even allow to know what this operation is called, as they smother the whole thing under shell companies.

Isn't having a giant government great? Lets give them more money and see what they do with it.

Comment Re:MS Paint (Score 5, Insightful) 290

art blogs

Uh huh.

Art blogs.

Pretty much do exactly the opposite of anything advocated on art blogs and you're going the right direction.

Google ... started

The latest Android has icons are so abstract they are effectively meaningless. The clock looks like a pie chart; they can't even suffer the hour tick marks that might assist in conveying "clock." The "text" app is a huge left double quote — so out-of-context that it has no association with the concept of "communication." The Google Drive icon is a three color triangle that bears zero resemblance to any sort of storage concept. Basically you must read the label of every icon and slowly try to associate these pictorial abstractions to their actual purpose. In reality users are just memorizing the locations of these meaningless icons, and if you were to rearrange their locations they'd be totally lost.

It sucks. It's stupid. And I'm 100% certain there is a cabal of "art" fucks behind it.

Think of Stop signs

No. Don't think of Stop signs. Stop signs aren't trying to convey an association to anything. You can't buy and eat a box of "stops." Many, many road signs use useful pictographs to convey things; a vehicle skidding due to ice; immigrants hand-in-hand running across a road, the silhouette of a bounding buck.... GUI icons need to convey association; storage, trash, communication, people, news, dates and times, etc.

Trying to boil all these things down to abstract vector art is idiot.

Submission + - SourceForge assumes ownership of GIMP For Win, wraps installer in adware (arstechnica.com)

An anonymous reader writes: It appears that SourceForge is assuming control of all projects that appear "abandoned." In a blog update on their site, they responded saying in part "There has recently been some report that the GIMP-Win project on SourceForge has been hijacked; this project was actually abandoned over 18 months ago, and SourceForge has stepped-in to keep this project current. "

SourceForge is now offering "to establish a program to enable users and developers to help us remove misleading and confusing ads."

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