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Comment Re:Given the monopoly by the people (Score 1) 346

Unlike some markets where immense cost is a barrier to entry, there is no such limitation for a new search engine to begin crawling the internet with their own algorithms and produce search results. Sure, you need servers and disk space, but ANY business endeavor will require some resources. Google's results were not so much superior amounts of hardware, but better algorithms. They simply did it better.

The entry fee 1998 for beating up the competition and securing a top spot was microscopic compared to today. Google had a good idea to begin with, but I doubt it would have been enough without the timing.

Comment Re:already invented? (Score 1) 434

How do you make a concurrent process in

You can use Intel Threading Building Blocks for example, but you _should_ muck around with threads, locks and their type of bugs (dead locks, race conditions etc) so you know whats happening under the hood.


Comment works fine in Sweden (Score 5, Informative) 613

pre-filled tax forms that you only have to sign and return have worked well here in Sweden for years, no conflict of interest at all. A couple of years ago, they even started with an SMS option, where you just can "ok" your pre filled tax form with an SMS code.

If you want to add information, you can just fill in your own form and send it in, but I think its pretty common to just use the pre-filled tax form.

Comment Re:Public regulation, private provision? (Score 1) 116

Just as an example, it seems education in Scandinavian countries is provided like that.

Yea, its fantastic, instead of a solid public school system that teaches essential knowledge such as math, languages etc, we got private schools that sees everything as a popularity contest, coming up with more and more useless "educations", sucking the money away from the public school system.

All in all its a grand failure.

Comment Re:Try to give them help and this is what they get (Score 2, Insightful) 265

"The amateur radio operators are absolutely essential in a place where most of the communications structure has failed"

I dont know, maybe in the 70's they where. Ericsson pretty quickly sent a team (Ericsson Response) to restore the GSM network and distributed 5000 GSM phones among help works.


Comment Re:Technically, the hard part is done. (Score 2, Interesting) 322

They need smart people more then ever, but maybe not CS majors....

If I where to run that big company, with 99% of their income from one product (adwords et al), I would hire all the smart people in the world to figure out how to diversify myself successfully (No, google apps & Sketchup Pro wont save them).

You might say the same thing about other companies, like Microsoft, but its far far easier for customers to flee an advertising model en masse , than over night switch their IT infrastructure.

Considering that adwords becomes more expensive and more crowded by the day, Google needs to do something ...

Comment Re:Patents aren't the problem (Score 2, Insightful) 392

It sure is a doubled edged sword, but there is allot of success stories also, patents is a mechanism to keep competition "fair".

Without patents, it would be even easier for medium/large/mega cooperation to prey on small companies inventions, I write even because just having a patent today do not mean that your immune against this behavior.

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