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Comment Re:Actually, Hobby Lobby was about birth control.. (Score 1) 886

Not exactly. By the definition of "abortion" that most pro-lifer's like to use (any pregnancy termination after fertilization of an egg), hormone-based birth control in some circumstances does cause abortions.

Banning The Pill of course would have massive social implications, but that's precisely where the absolutist line of thinking leads one.

Comment Re:Leave then (Score 1) 886

Swap the word "gay" for "black" and try again. The country already learned, rather painfully, that letting businesses refuse to serve whole segments of the population causes one hell of a lot of unrest.

You don't really have to imagine this. I've personally been refused service in Indiana due to the fact that some members of my group were black.

This is just an attempt to codify the existing practice of discrimination in Indiana. That's why it passed and got signed. These are in fact the people's representatives doing what the "good people of Indiana" want.

Comment That ethical challenge is nil (Score 5, Interesting) 177

Those made up example with the family van and the walker are laughable. Firstly out of my experience you do not have time while being in an accident to think that far as to check & see the family van is full of children. You steer , brake, and do as much as you can to avoid the walker. And the van. Secondly you really think there is even a concurrence ? The walker will get the full hit of the kinetic energy in his body. The van will absorb part of it in its structure. What sort of SICK FUCK would hit the walker rather than the van because there are children in the van ? There is no photo finish : You steer to avoid all, and if you cannot, you try to hit the target which will get the less physical damage from your damn car *if you can think that fast*. Does not matter if the walker is an old 99 guys and the van full of the brim of puppies and babies. I expect any automated car to make the same damn calculation : between hitting a car and a walker, go for the car. Hit the one with the most protection.

Comment And the passenger not reacting ? (Score 1) 737

If i see a terrorist taking a pilot hostage, fuck it, I rush him, even if I get gunned down. And far more if they have only plastic or ceramic knife. You would have to have far more bullet than 100+ passenger to be able nowadays to do that, or a bunch of terrorist with weapons. Is the high security door *that* necessary anymore ?

Comment Re:Be careful of the term "terrorist attack" (Score 1) 737

The fact that no attack occured gives the talking heads leeway to claim there was no "terrorist attack."

A terrorist is a person who attempts to bring about political change by "illegitimate" (i.e., non-state) violence.

Mass murder is only terrorism if it is an attack on a political entity, or is an attempt to scare a nation's population into something.

Unless someone says, "We're going to keep crash your planes until you do such-and-such", this isn't terrorism. There's no attempt to bring about political change involved, only murder, motive unknown.

Comment Re:Leave then (Score 1) 886

A "real marriage"? Which marriages are real, and which are fake?

I think he meant "traditional marriage". That's where neither spouse has actually met (except possibly at an extended family gathering), and an exchange of goods between the two families is involved to balance out the transfer of female property. Quite likely arranged while one or both parties are infants. If the man wants romance, he takes a concubine (of his preferred gender).

You newfangled Victorians with your love-based marriages just don't understand traditional values.

Comment mcedit (Score 1) 119

I still use Midnight Comannder's editor (mcedit) whenever I need to edit text in a Linux terminal. I find it a lot more user-friendly than any other terminal-mode text editor.

Vi is downright arcane. You need to hit i before you can type, and you need to hit Escape :wq to save and quit. Fortunately, it's not as bad as classic vi, where arrow keys don't exist, and you need to use ESC then hjkl, and backspace keys don't exist either, and you need to use ESC x.
Meanwhile, in mcedit land, you just hit F9, which is clearly labelled as "pull down", and menus appear. You can see what your options are, and carry out commands. This is why GUIs are awesome, it shows you the possibilities.

Comment Re:What's the point of the NSA knowing everything? (Score 1) 569

The NSA capabilities are still classified (leaks do not change that). Using classified capabilities for law enforcement purposes is difficult, both for operation reasons (you don't want to document publicly what is possible) and legal reasons (parallel construction is required to avoid disclosure).

Comment Re:Hasn't been involved with Greenpeace since 1985 (Score 5, Informative) 573

Here is what is also true: greenpeace and other "green" organizations have been found to be taking millions of dollars in money from Russian oil interests, through shell corporations

Hey, you left out your link to a reliable source for this claim.

According to the GAO, $106 billion was spent by US government on climate research by 2010.

A total over an unstated number of years is meaningless. According to Forbes -- hardly a lefty source, and this is a denialist article -- the U.S. Government spent $32.5 billion on climate studies over 20 years between 1989 and 2009. That's $1.6 billion a year. About $5 per American per year. Accoridng to the GAO (notice the hyperlink, please starting using them, thanks) federal climate change acivities in 2010 were $8.8 billion, but that includes "technology to reduce emissions, science to better understand climate change, international assistance for developing countries, and wildlife adaptation to respond to actual or expected changes" -- so climate research is only a small part of that. Figure a quarter to a third of it is climate research. So we're looking at something on the order of $2 or $3 billion a year spent by the federal government on climate change research.

For comparison, the Iraq war was is estimated to have cost $1,100 billion in total.

Exxon Mobills's profits -- not revenues, profits -- last year were $32.5 billion. And that's just one company.

The Army's R&D budget -- not the whole military, just the Army -- is around $21 - 32 billion.Climate research funding is chump change. I kind of liked this line of bullshit better when it was "those scientists telling us smoking causes cancer are just riding the research gravy train!" At least it was a fresh and audacious sort of intellectual dishonesty then. Now it's just pathetic.

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