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Comment Re:As Someone Who 3D Maps for a Living (Score 2, Interesting) 66

Hence why I said that this is very cool :) I can think of more than a few instances where this backpack would come in handy. Unfortunately, noone is really dumping a lot of money into mapping caves, since there isn't anyone about to start constructing inside them. Right now the majority of the laser scan work I've done is for buildings where the original schematics are lost, or painfully out of date. I did once scan a rockslide so that someone could analyze what went wrong after the fact, but even that was over a large highway.

Comment Re:As Someone Who 3D Maps for a Living (Score 1) 66

Just to add to my previous comment, working without gps is actually a bad thing for surveying work. For surveying work for the government/engineering firms, you need to show the model in state plane coordinates. Have you ever seen those little medal medallions on the sidewalk? Those are set by land surveyers who placed them with a very accurate GPS data to later come back and use for land size disputes, future engineering work, etc. It's what helps the electric company, the building contracters, the drainage people, all coordinate and make sure that whatever they're doing doesn't interfere with eachother.

Comment As Someone Who 3D Maps for a Living (Score 4, Interesting) 66

This thing is very very cool. Though we do have faster ways already than "painstakingly collecting in a stop and go fashion". I've worked with lasers attached to low-flying aircraft and also attached to a truck that can drive about 40 miles an hour. Two passes with the truck is just as good as this backpacks data. We primarily mount tracks on the truck and drive it on railroad tracks to collect data for upcoming rail projects. You can check out the technology at www.ambercore.com/titan.php

The Internet

Malcolm Gladwell Challenges the Idea of "Free" 206

An anonymous reader brings us another bump on the bumpy road of Chris Anderson's new book, Free: The Future of a Radical Price, which we discussed a week ago. Now the Times (UK) is reporting on a dustup between Anderson and Malcolm Gladwell, author of The Tipping Point, Blink, and Outliers. Recently Gladwell reviewed, or rather deconstructed, Anderson's book in the New Yorker. Anderson has responded with a blog post that addresses some, but by no means all, of Gladwell's criticisms, and The Times is inclined to award the match to Gladwell on points. Although their reviewer didn't notice that Gladwell, in setting up the idea of "Free" as a straw man, omitted a critical half of Stewart Brand's seminal quote.

Comment I just played a couple rounds (Score 1) 93

I wandered onto the site just as it launched, lucky me. I got 2 matches under my belt. The tutorial is really handy for new players. The game servers seemed stable, everything looked pretty good and polished, even though it looks like a 10 year old game.

I was surprised at how nice the social networking stuff was implemented, it seems really easy to see which friends are online and join their games, and see people you recently played with.

Comment I'm not a gay porn actor (Score 2, Insightful) 564

I have a similar problem, a google search for my name reveals over 40,000 hits to a gay porn actor. Seriously. My issue is that I simply can't build any reputation as a good blog writer, website designer, etc. because anything to do with my name is buried under gay porn. So far I've been using a pseudonym, but it's hard to get taken seriously doing that.

Comment Not anything new, and not a big problem (Score 1) 193

This isn't anything new, I remember "Fighting Legends" from about 7 years ago which went belly up when Maximum Charisma went bankrupt. It was a bummer for me at the time cus I sunk a lot of time into the game. I recall some rumors about a fan created server being made but I don't think anything came of that.

In general, I don't play a lot of games over and over again, and in the case of MMO's the gameplay is not usually something I enjoy a lot. I play MMO's for the people I play with, and if a game's failing, most those people are leaving already and that just encourages me to stop too.

The Internet

Submission + - Sony Claims PS3 Browser faster than IE7

Scorpinox writes: According to Sony Online Entertainment, the latest 2.50 update to the Playstation 3, which added Flash 9 support, is "not up to the level of Google Chrome, beats Internet Explorer 7" in Javascript performance. The article goes on to say "Sony has actually been working on Flash 9 support for quite some time — as far back as late last year. To get it running on the PS3, Sony ended up customizing a separate Flash implementation that was provided to it by Adobe."
Hardware Hacking

Clove 2 Bluetooth Dataglove For One-Handed Typing 96

An anonymous reader writes "Clove 2 is a bluetooth dataglove used for one-handed typing. It uses a 31-combination finger-chording design with three modes to allow every key on a standard keyboard to be typed with minimal effort. The bluetooth functionality removes the need to tether it to a computer, and since it profiles as a standard HID Keyboard, a simple translation layer to perform key remapping, sticky modifiers, and mode switching is the only software required. It consists of three components: the glove itself, the bluetooth module, and a custom charger for the Bluetooth module. Video, pictures, and full plans and schematics on the project page." From that page: "Please be advised that the Clove 2 Bluetooth Dataglove is a personal project, not a commercial offering." I hope that gets corrected at some point!

Experiment Shows Traffic 'Shock Waves' Cause Jams 642

Galactic_grub writes "Japanese researchers recently performed the first experimental demonstration of a phenomenon that causes a busy freeway to inexplicably grind to a halt. A team from Nagoya University in Japan had volunteers drive cars around a small circular track and monitored the way 'shockwaves' — caused when one driver brakes — are sent back to other cars, caused jams to occur. Drivers were asked to travel at 30 kmph but small fluctuations soon appeared, eventually causing several vehicles to stop completely. Understanding the phenomenon could help devise ways to avoid the problem. As one researcher comments: 'If they had set up an experiment with robots driving in a perfect circle, flow breakdown would not have occurred.'"

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