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Comment Partioning and utilization (Score 2) 150

To me the biggest security win with VM's is the ability to properly size a system for what it is actually doing. No more adding "just one more" service to a box because it's got more horsepower than it needs. By doing more logical partitioning of the software you limit the commingling of data, administration, and crash risk between different services.

Comment Re:It's easy to overthink even in the simplest cas (Score 1) 394

Oh, and to output a pipe to multiple processes you just need to use tee.

tee >(process1) >(process2) >(process3) | process4

After which you could use something to join the files back together. I've used such a syntax to pipe the output of an application over ssh while also taking a sha1sum without the need to save it locally.

Comment Re:The only difference is... (Score 3, Interesting) 122

Maybe thats just me.

The N900 is a limited success *despite* Nokia's best effort, just like the "NIT"'s before it. I mean come on, the firmware has bugs that are 2 generations old and still stewing. Development for the device is a joke since it was ( last I checked ) still basically tied to running debian or ubuntu on your development system unless you wanted to use Python.

I have developed for the N810 and was sponsored by Nokia to the first Maemo conference. What I saw and heard lead me to the conclusion that it was a dead-end without partners. MeeGo *might* change my view if they can finally bring a mainstream success to the table without the continued alienation of their development community.

Comment Re:Litigious society (Score 2, Interesting) 416

"You do realize that in the US more children get sick from the polio vaccine than from the actual disease."

That is hard considering US use of the Oral Polio Vaccine was discontinued in 2004 and even then it was not recommended unless the patient in question was at risk because it's known to carry a tiny risk. IVP has been the recommended way to receive the vaccination which has no significant risk except as an egg allergen.

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