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Submission + - Nintendo Nixes Swapnote due to Intentional Abuse (

X!0mbarg writes: Quoted from Nintendo Directly:

Thank you for your support.

Nintendo has learned that some consumers, including minors, have been exchanging their friend codes on Internet bulletin boards and then using Swapnote (known as Nintendo Letter Box in other regions) to exchange offensive material. Nintendo has been investigating ways of preventing this and determined it is best to stop the SpotPass feature of Swapnote because it allows direct exchange of photos and was actively misused.

Nintendo always wants to provide a positive experience for all consumers and limit the risk of any inappropriate activity or misuse of a service. We feel it is important on this occasion to take this action.

We are very sorry for any inconvenience to the many consumers who have been using this service responsibly; however this decision was made considering the point that many minors also use this feature of Swapnote. Thank you for your understanding.

Nintendo will continue to work to ensure more consumers are aware of our Parental Control features, which allow parents to manage their children’s experience on our systems. For more information, please click here.

Service stop date: Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013, 7 p.m. PT

Service being stopped: Nintendo 3DS software Swapnote – Sending and receiving notes using SpotPass

Affected regions: All regions where the service was offered

Special Notes services are also stopped

Although I'm not a frequent submitter of stories, I did happen upon something that might be of interest to the /. community as a whole, and thought I'd share it here.

After getting off shift yesterday and firing up Pokemon Y on my 3DS while waiting for my ride, I notice a new message has popped up (See quote above)

It would seem that having a little program that can be used in a wide open way has been making some little ones cry, and their parents see red. All of this appears to be linked to the addition of being able to send photos that was added in April 2012. The service itself was launched in North America in January of that same year.

I guess it's one thing to send off crudely drawn notes of people with naughty language, but quite a different thing to send a 3D pic of actual people.

I have one of these systems, but have never used that feature myself, so I doubt I'll miss it, but surely others use it a lot more than they will likely admit.

Does anyone else have a 3DS, and use Swapnote? Have you (or anyone you know) been subjected to unwanted offensive material? What did you do about it?

What are the overall opinions of this move among the SlashDot community? Is it just blind censorship? Overreaction? Deliberate sabotage of what could otherwise be a "safe" introduction to social media in a closed digital environment?

Will they ever bring the service back, and what changes would have to be made to allow it? Will it even be usable?

The link provided below is word-for-word what showed up in the 3DS message and taken directly from Nintendo.

Comment The Government got in its' Own Way (Score 2) 786

If you want a project to fail (as some in opposition to Obama certainly do), you pad a simple, decent idea with enough B.S. to make it collapse under its own weight, and then blame the source.

I call it "Bureaucratic Sabotage". Agree to allow something to happen, and then Bury it in B.S. and layer on the Pork-Barrel extras to make sure it fails miserably, while claiming to be co-operative, all the while knowing what the results will be...

Bottom line is: Good Luck on getting any decent idea through "Government" without it getting totally Buggered (and otherwise mutated) from its' original form and function.

Comment Will we ever truly be ready? (Score 4, Interesting) 214

Seriously, though. My fellow workers and I refer to most folks walking by, obliviously texting away as "Pod-People". Many of them with ear buds (or even huge, bulky headphones) to emphasize their wanting not to hear you. People aren't truly in tune with proper social behavior with cell phones/smart phones and constant (albeit intermittent) communications now. If a device (any device) makes it even more of an attention hog than it has already become, then people are going to start walking into traffic (even more than they already do). Many people today are already texting people they are physically standing beside as a method of "whispering" things clandestinely, no matter how rude it really is. People are already getting fully absorbed in their smart phones to the point of not knowing how to hold a coherent conversation over a meal. All this will simply be compounded with the more pervasive devices. It's only a matter of time before Google Glass becomes outright illegal to use while driving. It's bad enough that people think that having their smart phone in their lap while driving is acceptable and considered safe, despite being illegal in many places. What is it going to take before people start taking serious offense at others' smart device use in public places? Not serving people while they are on their phone is a decent start. After all, how rude is it to be expecting someone else to give you proper attention to serve you, and you can't even be bothered to pay enough attention to get the amount of you bill right? Little wonder why many employers have effectively banned smart phone use while at work, particularly in the service and hospitality industry. How far will it go? Extremism exists, and will manifest itself on both sides of this topic. Mark my works: It Will Get Ugly!

Comment Just another reason I will never buy one (Score 1) 581

When I buy a system, I want to be able to play any games I purchased whenever I want. At home. At the cottage (where I do not have any form of internet). At friends' houses. In the RV while traveling. I also have the right to continue playing them if my box has an accident, or needs to be replaced. It would be nice if I could upgrade to a better version of the box without having to jump through hoops just to keep playing my same old games. Maybe, I might even pick up a copy of last years' hot game, and play it for myself, now that I can score it for a discount at a trade-in shop. Because that's what I want to do with my money and time, I see absolutely no reason whatsoever to waste either on such a system. And no, I do not have anything associated with Steam. I like to play a lot of off-line games, as I have limited (or nonexistent) internet access. That, and I'm not able to even come close to competing (let alone surviving) the 15 year old twitch gamers, hyped up on Red-Bull. If this is the future of gaming, I guess I'll stay in the Stone Age, with my off-line games, playing them with friends over my LAN.

Comment Is it Worth It? (Score 1) 180

Ultimately, the question I pose is this: Is this fertilizer going to be worth all the trouble to make, distribute, use and clean up after? Another series of questions I have is; What kind of affect does this new product have on the nutrient value(s) of the crop it's used on? Are there any potential Health Hazards? Is it Toxic, or produce toxic effects, directly in the food, or indirectly, in the soil it's used on? After the side effects of genetically engineering Corn and Wheat and the now rampant intolerance to these two products, what is next? Maybe it's time to just get away from fossil fuels, like we've been pushing for for such a long time. After all, there seems to be a lot of uses for them in the bomb-making field, anyway. Determined terrorists will always find Something they can use to cause mayhem. I'm surprised there aren't better ways to 'sniff out' fertilizer-and-fuel based bombs already.

Comment What do they have to find? (Score 1) 1006

In the reference above, the quote:
    'Extensive research has already been conducted and found no connection between media and real-life violence.'
is almost as bad as saying:
    "There is no direct link to fast food restaurants available food choices and obesity"

OK, maybe a bit extreme, but if these shooters are practicing and building tactics in spreadsheets and FPS and plotting out tactics, weapons and scoresheets, maybe it's time to have a serious look at them.

I am surprised that nobody has (yet) found a mock-up of any of the target schools made with one of the myriad game editors and level construction tools. Maybe then someone might finally see a more direct connection. Since there is an underground culture built around FPS, there stands to reason there is a database somewhere of potential or past target environments, and "Sample Models" or areas to choose from. . . They might even make for good tactical analysis tools for defending such places, and serving as training tools for professionals in dealing with such an attack.

Sounds almost like a good game foundation:
"Save the local Mall-plex from a handful of Crazed Shooters, while minimizing casualties and property damage! Get high score! Bag more crazies than your buddies! Best score for Least Ammo Expended, Least Property Damage and Most Innocents Saved! Bonus Points if you save the example with a write-up for local authorities to use in the event of a Real Incident!"

Politically Incorrect? Definitely. If it's used to save lives, does that change anything? What happens if (when) it gets into the "wrong hands", though?

I still have a few user-made maps for Unreal Tournament. The Castle of Laputa is one of the more extensive ones, but surely plotting out a local university campus or massive mall-plex is not impossible.

Comment How will they actually Collect? (Score 1) 297

Since the whole thing seems to revolve around the following:

"passed a nonbinding proposal to allow states to collect sales tax on Internet sellers that have no presence within their borders..."

Just how do they plan on collecting this from anyone 'Outside their borders'?

If they actually figure this out, someone in some foreign country will start using this against Americans (or any other country) to start some form of Internet-based Sanctions.

This is only going to make it all that much more muddied for anyone making online purchases.

First, my Ebay purchases. Next, my e-mail, tweets and SMS from out-of-country sources.
Digital 'stamps' anyone?

Comment Greed Strikes yet again (Score 2) 569

Looks like another classic game is going to suffer the effects of Greed, and be made into a money-grubbing, online-only, don't-even-think-about-playing-it-offline-by-yourself game.

Surely, I am not the only one out here to want games that I can play when there is no access to WiFi or any form of internet. Decent, engaging, immersive, single-player game play that does not require an account online somewhere, or constant call-home-to-mommy-for-permission-to-play crap.

Maybe I just want to play something to keep myself entertained while in the "boonies" or out of touch with the world?

Perhaps I don't want anyone else constantly monitoring my feeble progress through their killer levels with my n00b skillz while others snicker at my attempts, or spawn-camp me to rage-quitting something I've spent en exorbitant amount of money on in the first place.

Sorry for the rant. I just can't seem to part with my hard-earned cash so that I can be someone else s' target-practice.

Am I truly that alone out here?

Comment Not exclusively French (Score 1) 1313

Anyone who has seen the Actual working conditions at the Big 3 automotive manufacturers knows what it's like there. Employees coming to work late, drinking on the job and sleeping it off in some remote location, or taking three or four hours lunches to play euchre on the clock. Using five workers to do the work of two, and much more slowly, as they need 'stretch the job out' or they'll have nuthin' ta do fer the rest o' th' day...

At least the French don't deny it.

True, however, that the rest of the basic labour force has been reduced to little more than slave labour conditions for minimum wage that no 'self respecting' American would do, resulting in foreign workers coming into the country en masse to conditions that are far superior to what they were experiencing 'back home'.

Maybe it's time kids were taught the meaning of decent work for decent pay, and showed an interest in working at the many Manual Jobs out there that the immigrant workers are taking over. They are leaving themselves out in the cold for jobs that are over staffed, over trained (or poorly trained for), since they all want a sweet, tech based job that pays excessively well, for little effort, and are unwilling to get their hands dirty doing anything that takes real physical effort.

MCSE? There's at least a dozen each three months churned out at the community college. Ever wonder why, in any given college town there are computer shops popping up like pimple on teenagers, then blowing away after a few months?

Nobody seems willing to work at the local warehouse system but migrants. Nobody wants to subject themselves to those 'slave labour conditions' here.
Just ask them what is was like back home for a real Wake Up Call on expectations from the working class!

It certainly goes both ways. Employers pay peanuts, they get unskilled monkeys, then bitch about the quality of the work...

Comment First it was HD capacity (Score 1) 588

Now this!
In the lower capacity drives, it wasn't so painfully obvious that we all lost so much space to the flawed 1000 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte conversion rate as sold. Now, as such capacity losses are becoming a whole lot more obvious, space being eaten up by the OS and (in many cases) needed, pre-installed apps is growing ever more disconcerting.

As a collective community, we really need to stand up and tell the assorted gadget makers that we're simply not going to take it any more!

What kind of space losses are people going to accept when the Petabyte drives finally make it to market? How bloated are the next generation of OS and productivity programs going to be? What is considered "Acceptable Use" in OS and bloatware storage reduction?

Where is the proverbial Line in the Sand?

Comment Next handy little device: (Score 1) 323

All this analytics could be easily rendered useless by a small device that simply churns out about a dozen or so MAC addresses, and broadcasts them in a short-range burst fashion. Something about the size of a disposable lighter, or easily kept on a key chain. Now, when you go into a store, it looks (to the analytic software) like a dozen people came in, looked at the same stuff as you, and left. Take that, you software-probe-wielding . . . people!
If it were to cycle through the addresses, turning some on and off at random intervals, you could easily obfuscate the pool you're using, making it even more difficult to pick your actual MAC address out! Turn off your own WiFi, and you're just polluted the pool enough to make for a really nightmarish situation that should discourage people from trying such a futile effort.

Now, make them available to highschoolers/mall-rats inexpensively as some sort of fad fashion accessory that can be clipped to their belt, and traded easily.

Ok, now I'm being silly. They'd have to make it Hello Kitty or Pokémon to make it really work, and that would be . . . Brilliant?

I'd like my cut if anyone ever makes these! Heh heh heh heh...

Comment Next Two Steps: (Score 2) 295

First, someone is going to Sue them for some asinine reason, based on loss of revenue, or some such nonsense.

Second, Product Placement will become the advertisement of choice, since it's a lot more difficult to remove or block. On websites, it'll be background wallpaper, or in the motif. You want placement? Better pay what it's worth to a site, series or production!

After all, the Ad companies, "need" to bombard us with their dreck, or we won't feel the need to rush out and buy it.

You know, like Cigarettes.

Oh, wait. Those ads were all banned ages ago, and Look at how that worked.

Just sayin'

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