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Comment Buffalo^5 (Score 1) 398

I've got a Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH running the [provided!] DD-WRT firmware, and haven't had any problems.

It's also the gigabit switch between the upstairs office and the downstairs servers.
Not had a single lick of trouble, and I've got coverage throughout my 2500 sq ft house.

Comment oh yeah... (Score 2) 181

Brings back the memories. I remember the usenet post because I was camping on the .minix trying to decide how best to conquer my computer...

then Linus showed up with his post, and I soon had my answer.

I've been running Linux non-stop since 1993, and have never looked back.

Comment Re:Prior Art? (Score 1) 325

I read slashdot but didn't join for a number of years.

Same with Blues News
Same with Digg

Same with lots of other sites. The ratio of tracking vs registration perks needs to rise above a certain level for me.

Basically, as soon as I *really* feel a need to reply to some snark-ass middling punk.

Comment Re:Prior Art? (Score 2) 325

Phone didn't have presence, quite. However, in 1991, I abused phone to create a notification system for when your peeps logged in, thereby extending
a two-way chat application with presence.

Yes. I've had the code online since 1991.

Anybody with patents on two-way messaging and presence should probably line up and bite my shiny metal ass.


US Intelligence Agency to Compile Mountain of Metaphors Screenshot-sm 151

coondoggie writes "Researchers with the US Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity want to build a repository of metaphors. You read that right. Not just American/English metaphors mind you but those of Iranian Farsi, Mexican Spanish and Russian speakers. Why metaphors? 'Metaphors have been known since Aristotle as poetic or rhetorical devices that are unique, creative instances of language artistry (for example: The world is a stage; Time is money). Over the last 30 years, metaphors have been shown to be pervasive in everyday language and to reveal how people in a culture define and understand the world around them,' IARPA says."

Comment Re:What is the Real Issue? (Score 2) 1306

Because they're only taxing on federally funded highway/interstate miles, not on local infrastructure.
And they use the GPS, so that way there's no problems with knowing where your vehicle is.

You know, because that local road that sits underneath the highway is simple for the GPS to figure out...
Or the frontage road that's 20 feet to the side of the highway...

Comment Good news for microlithography folks... (Score 2) 163

This will help make de-fabbing chips much easier, as they'll be able to directly read the circuits on smaller die.

I, for one, can't wait for something like this to make it to the home market.

"Timmy, here's why your nose is runny! See? A rhinovirus! Here, let's take a picture and forward it to your teacher."

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