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Comment Re:Yeesh (Score 1) 584

Flat out fucking lie.

I never said anything even remotely close to "hard evidence that proves that girls are hardwired to develop interests or traits in the absence of social feedback." YOUR BULLSHIT WORDS that you tried to attribute to me.

"Should be easy for you to provide a single counter-example then." YOU NEVER PROVIDED ONE GODDAMN EXAMPLE TO COUNTER LIAR.

Your original post stated there is no evidence...but you know there is, links to said evidence was posted BEFORE my reply AND I believe you already fucking knew there was evidence. You are dishonest.

Comment Re:Yeesh (Score 1) 584

"The truth of the matter is that there is no significant difference, physiologically, between men and women, as far as the brain is concerned; and thus no difference psychologically."

No matter how many times this is repeated it STILL won't be true. Biology is at work here (too) and male and female brains generally do differentiate *in utero* , and again *at puberty*. It's just the truth. That it doesn't fit your ideology is just something you're going to ( eventually ) come to grips with. That truth says nothing whatsoever about the ability of a specific female or a specific male to perform a specific task, but the fear that common people might use this truth to justify institutional bias is the root of all "science" that might support your claim. And that's just fucked up. The truth matters, and as a culture we should strive to be mature enough to deal with it.

Comment Re:Yeesh (Score 1) 584

"Definitely true anatomically, but there is no evidence that is true behaviourally."

There is a metric ton of evidence, you just *choose* to ignore. Not just you, lots of educated people choose to ignore the evidence. In documentary after documentary ( that I've watched ) the ideologue social "scientist" dismisses one study after another as irrelevant...or my personal favorite, responding to pointed questions with something like "It's *striking* that you think this question is important." --seriously was there a meeting or something? Because that's the response to hard questions again and again and again.

Comment Re:Why tax profits, why not income? (Score 1) 602

If the job market says my labor is worth $50.00/hr then why isn't it valued at that rate when I exchange it? I "own" something with an objectively verifiable market price of $50.00 , and, it did not become worth that much for "free". It cost decades of growing and learning, devoting my attention to things I do not enjoy and cannot be considered leisure.

The premise is that if the job market values my labor at X , then it is true that the expense of creating that value is also X --regardless of my ability to itemize that expense.

Comment Re:Great (Score 5, Insightful) 602

And you have no inherent natural right to electricity, plumbing, roads, safety from murder/rape/robbery, etc. Society gives that to you in EXCHANGE for your taxes.

Next, try to separate Society from Government to continue your argument. Then I'll just call you you a Liar, because you do actually understand the manipulation you (will) be making.

Or, you have another, more fair, method that results in every member of Society contributing to the whole, let's hear it. But if you think you should be allowed to live here and profit from our infrastructure and then not pay for it you can get the fuck out you communist free loader.

Comment Re:I bet Amazon would love to hire more women. (Score 1) 496

Maybe you're offended by the way he put it, but his point is valid. As far as 'anecdotes' go, what do you think all of these social (ahem) "science" theories are based on? A lot of fucking anecdotes that's what. A lot of "the facts don't support that claim" statements that are based on biased "meta-studies" that are in turn based on bullshit. The academics entrenched in our universities have created a vast framework that rivals Scientology, all of it *designed* to justify their own continued existence.

The biggest problem with this entire landscape is that it is NOT a bottom up revolutionary effort to change our society. It is a top-down social engineering effort driven by people in POWER. The rest of us live in the real world where men and women are different, have different preferences and different priorities in life. And MOST of us are okay with that.

Comment Re:TFA is a crappy piece of socialist propaganda (Score 1) 496

Nope, you got it wrong.
"Women are not paid less if they are doing the same jobs and spending the same time doing them as men do, " -- is NOT demonstrably false.

The underlying statistics show that any differences are insignificant when all factors are accounted for. It's just the truth, sorry if it doesn't help validate your mission to find injustice in the United States.

Handicapping the job market to eliminate differences in assertiveness, aggression, negotiating abilities, et al is what? Socialist? I personally don't care, but call it what it is. The bottom line is, if women on average are not on par with men in these areas then they are not EQUAL. Handicapping the system to make them equal is a kind of socialism.

Comment Re:Another Annoying Dependency? (Score 1) 581

I remember not caring about sound at all before PA. It just worked, and I never had to fuck with it. I also remember PA being forced on me 3 years before it should have been, and fighting to keep it out of my life the entire time. PA was completely unnecessary , there were already BETTER solutions available.

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