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Comment A travel ban is only prudent and necessary (Score 2) 478

The fact is a travel ban would not affect the ability for aid to reach the countries where you have an epidemic, quite the opposite. The travel ban that would be implemented would be designed to stop people from leaving the hotzone countries who are not involved with any sort of medical or aid activities relating to control of the epidemic. It would not affect medical experts or aid officials from reaching the hotzone countries. The law would be designed to stop exactly the kind of people as Duncan who was coming to the US for personal reasons. All other travel except those experts and workers involved with control of the epidemic would be banned. By putting in such a ban, we are making the effort to contain the virus and the job of the CDC and WHO much easier by increasing the chance that the virus will not spread beyond the areas where it is currently found, thus allowing resources to be more focused on those particular regions, so that the CDC and WHO is not dealing with an ever increasing list of territory that is affected and so that it does not turn into a whack a mole game.

Restricting travel to just the experts and authorities would bring the level of travel to a relative trickle. This would make it much easier to carefully vet and examine the relatively few experts who might leave the hotzone countries, if necessary, through a isolation period and an intensive medical examination which is much more involved than what is done at an airport gate. So it makes the relative trickle of travel much easier to control and regulate and to assure that anyone crossing is not infected.

The problem with trying to detect the disease at a higher levels of travel where travel is not being limited to just experts and authorities, is the volume is higher and its not as easy to do the more intensive examination. Many everyday would-be travellers will lie on any questionaire, if they are experiencing any symptoms. The temperature symptoms can be covered up and suppressed with tylenol as well. There is a clear incentive for Ebola infected individuals to come to the USA, now that a Liberian has already done so and recieved free medical treatment, and many will lie, fake and cover up to do it.

The CDC knows all of this. That is why the CDC is lying through their teeth. The CDC is knowingly exposing Americans to increased danger from Ebola and when it is not necessary to do so. This is criminal negligence. The american people are being lied to.

Another fact is we have numerous experts who admit that we cannot take it for granted the virus is not easy to pass. There is a concern the virus may be airborne, and the more widely the virus would become geographically dispersed, the possibility of an airborne mutation increases. The fact that the USA has an advanced medical system is not an excuse or a reason to allow people to come to the country from areas which have an active outbreak, in fact such statements are the height of arrogance, especially since even our own resources would be taxed to deal with these situations, and as well the long incubation period and the tendancy for some people not to seek medical treatment and instead transmit the virus. The fact is despite all of the medical facility in the US the virus could be transmitted in the public nonetheless. We are dealing with human nature here.

To say that somehow that its okay to not be worried or to take lightly a very dangerous virus such as this because the US has running water and soap is such an arrogant and simplistic way of thinking, and it almost seems like they are exploiting the ignorance of the public to suggest such a thing. People obviously do not wash their hands every 20 seconds, even in the US, and all it would take is for someone to say come into contact with a bodily fluid say on a subway seat and then transfer that to their mouths via their hand within a period of just a few seconds. This may not be an unlikely scenario, especially with a virus that causes profuse secretions, but even if just one person were to die from such a transmission, or even if the chance is low, its a chance with a dangerous virus that we should not be, and do not need to be taking, especially unnecessarily by not putting in a travel restriction from hotzone countries when there is really no good technical reason we cannot do a travel ban, its only political correctness that has caused the American public to be unnecessarily exposed to increased risk.

What I find particularly disturbing is the mentality here of liberals who have very clearly expressed that they are willing to subject Americans to an increased danger in the name of their political correctness agenda, that in fact their political correctness agenda is worth a certain loss of life and perhaps even more important than the lives of American citizens.

The CDC in suggesting a travel ban will not help is lying, and is suggesting that the basic premise of quarantine is invalid. They are ignoring and throwing out hundreds of years of knowledge of germ theory and virus containment here. If stopping people from travelling internationally will not reduce the chance of the virus spreading, than why would quarantining ebola victims in isolation wards or their homes help?

The fact is numerous other countries have done a travel ban, including other African countries, to protect their own populations from the spread of the virus. Germ theory is well understood and the first rule of stoping a virus spread is to stop travel and movement from hotzone areas, including from infected countries. Assurances that the US has hospitals, running water, or soap, or that allegedly the virus is "not easy to pass", are not a good reason to allow people to freely come to the US from infected regions. Again, there are people who will not go to the hospital immediately when symptoms appear, soap and water really wont stop a spread, and we are dealing with a living, mutating thing here that can change in its transmissability.

A travel ban only makes since now and is in the best interest of the American people. We need to bin the political correctness, before it kills us, or just if it increases the danger even slightly.

Comment Best for global worker==Worst for American worker (Score 1) 123

What this article is basically saying is that the US is most encouraging of helping foreingers steal the jobs of the huge number of highly qualified US programmers and IT workers who are having difficulty finding work due to it being stolen by third world labor. The third world labor is all about corporate profits and some greedy elites obsession and wall streets out of control greed and lust for profits, to hire cheap, but usually inferior, third world labor. Let third world IT people help build their own countries economies and stop letting them come to the US. In globalisation the losers are the common people of any country, in the USA american computer programmers are being thrown out on the street and their jobs are stolen from them, whilst in third world countries they are losing their best talent due to the brain drain, with all of their best workers leaving, the third world countries remain poor. If we care about third world countries we should kill the H1B program and stop all immigration. If we care about American workers, we should kill the H1B program and stop immigration. The globalist elite are ruining the USA and destroying the lives of American citizens while they keep the third world in the dark ages.

The only responsibility of the US government is to secure US sovereignty for its own people. There is no right to immigrate to another country and therefore a country has a right to control immigration however and according to whatever rules it wants. Since there is no right to immigrate, a country could pass laws against immigration on any criteria it chooses. A country only has a responsibility to protecting the territorial exclusivity of its own native citizens, to whom the country belongs. A country is not the government, it is the citizens of the country, and the government's duty is to protect the citizens from foreign incursions and to assure that the countries resources, jobs etc are exclusively for the benefit of native born citizens. The USA is a mature country. The days of the old west are gone, the west has been cultivated and the westward expansion long ago has been filled out. There are already enough people in the USA at this point and we should seal the borders now. At this point, the USAs policies should seal off the borders from all immigration and focus on protecting the resources for population that is already here and for the future internal growth of the existing population.

Comment drunken musings (Score 1) 549

Did Musk write this when he was drunk? Seriously, if you want to do this, it needs to use mostly martian resources rather than sapping earths resources which are needed on earth. Unless a planet has a large supply of water, and at least the ingredients you need to make an oxygen atmosphere, the idea is a no-go. Ideally it would have some land surface (for mining) but also an ample supply of the above mentioned elements. The idea is virtually impossible. If you were concerned about survival such as from an asteroid, what you would do, is create survival groups around earth that would be equipped with underground facilities stocked with an emergency supply of food, not only for humans but also to feed livestock animals, as well as a seed bank. Hidden, secure, and fortified so the group could go underground for years, along with the livestock. The livestock and seeds would be used to rebuild agriculture afterwords. Unlike dinosaurs, we have the capability to survive the worst asteriod strike. though, you want to develop a plan to kill an asteriod before it hits the earth (with a nuke perhaps) as your first line of defense.

Comment Re:GIMP runs better then ever on Linux (Score 0) 197

It needed more features, it needed to actually exceed Photoshop and offer more features than Photoshop rather than being second best. Most people who need a Gimp like program have lots of graphics and dont need something that breaks when you try to do anything except for the most mundane task. Until Gimp stops being content with supporting "just some" of photoshops capability, its going to be useless for real users, and more like a useless toy.

Comment Re:GIMP runs better then ever on Linux (Score 0) 197

gimp needs to stop being content with second best and instead be better than photoshop. The fact is, while Gimp has some features, most people who need a paint program with a more complete feature set. Right now Gimp really has little appeal to anyone, its far too weak to really replace Photoshop which is what most people need. The goal needs to be to be a full replacement for photoshop and even beyond that, rather than "not quite".

Comment Proprietary garbage (Score 1) 197

This is NOT good news AT ALL. This is a closed source application which means it is designed to take away your freedom, basically, you have no capability to read or to modify source code that runs on your computer if you want to do so. Worse, its a cloud application, which means that your data is stored, transmitted over the net even when you don't want it to be, which means you really dont have control or ownership of your own data. Its also not a port to real Linux, but instead, to Chrome.

Real Linux distros need real desktop applications. Yes, we need more feature rich programs than what is available right now , such as something more powerful than Gimp,, as does Inkscape and other programs, which need to take meeting and exceeding the capabilities of their closed source counterparts more seriously instead of being just second best.

Comment burning living room furniture (Score 1) 49

This is burning the living room furniture. Running the server and personal computer business is profitable for Lenovo, IBM could have itself made it profitable as well if it was so inclined. Whats left of IBM? A few aging mainframe platforms that are on decline and serve an increasingly small niche market

Comment Re:Is the bash parser a lost cause? (Score 1) 329

Wrong. Most software programs have had big bugs like this that need to be fixed, including Java and Python. For example http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-1912. Python has had a dozen remote code exploit attacks. So why do people keep picking on Bash when many other software programs have had these problems.

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