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Journal Journal: Slashdot gets scammed by slander spammer 1

Anti-Fascism has three posts, all on the same topic.

They are all intended to defame a site for being on a free speech internet host, which in his view, makes that site fascist.

And he gets modded up +5.

Well, I can see why it's easy to control people. Tell them the enemy is fascism, and you can easily lead them into fascism.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Why Texas Should Secede

Nations exist for the good of their people. This gets complicated because they have to choose between what is good for their people as a group, and what pleases most people as individuals. Nations that serve the group stay together, and those that treat individuals as customers fall apart because they are pulled in too many directions.

The United States was once a good thing for Texas, but now it is falling apart because it is trying to please every single person instead of doing what is right and letting those who don't like it leave. It is being pulled in too many directions. Washington, D.C. is not just many miles from Texas, but it is far from the heart and soul that has made Texas great.

What happens when a nation is divided? First you hear a lot about how free you are, and how much freedom you have. That's their excuse for having a disorganized nation that's falling apart. Next, because everyone is going in different directions, it becomes impossible to have one rule of law for everyone, and so there is constant law enforcement chaos. You're halfway to a police state already.

Most people confuse having freedom with not being in a police state, but freedom is the dogma the politicians use to force you to obey. They think any state without this freedom is a police state, but any state that defines what is accepted and what is not is better off than a state which says "do whatever, and we'll hope it all works out."

We are open-minded here in Texas, but we know history. Some things just don't work. Letting everyone do whatever they think is OK is a path to anarchy and chaos. Multiculturalism is a path to strife and racial grievances being taken out on whoever's seen as being on top. Here in Texas, we do the right thing. That won't make everyone happy, but it will keep us out of both chaos and police states.

Being in the United States has been good for Texas, and we are not ungrateful. We are thankful for our time with America. But we also have to do what is right for us. We believe in doing the right thing, not doing what is convenient and relying on the police to enforce it.

Independent Nation of Texas

Yee Haw!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Before Eternal September 1

I'll take the cynical stance and say that this is a good thing. We need fewer people on the Internet. We need to return the 'net to the state it was in circa '92.

Cynicism alert

I have to agree. The internet is too complex for the average person, not just as technology but as a culture.

I'll take it further: I don't want these average morons voting. The people who should be voting are educated, homeowning family people who have proven competence in any discipline.

We don't need more wage slave entertainment drones screwing up the electorate.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I Vomit On God's Child

Best of heavy metal lyrics:

Rip the sacred flesh
Sodomize the holy asshole
Drink the red blood of the mother of earth
Masturbation on the dead body of christ
The king of Jews is dead
and so are the lies
Vomit on the host of Heaven
Masturbate on the throne of God
Break the seals of angels
Drink the sweet blood of Christ
Taste the flesh of the priest
Sodomize holy nuns
The king of Jews is a liar
The Heavens will burn
Dethrone the son of God
God is dead
Holyness is gone
Purity is gone
Prayers are burned
Covered in black shit
Rape the holy ghost
Unclean birth of Jesus Christ
Heaven will fall
Fuck the church
Fuck Christ
Fuck the Virgin
Fuck the gods of Heaven
Fuck the name of Jesus

I Vomit on God's Child

This one still cheers me up.

It's indescribable. Without restorting to judgmental categories (blasphemy, genius, etc) you go ahead and describe it.

Good luck.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Unpopular Truth

You want to be popular? You know the truth is never popular.

You should probably not read this blog then, which is about the scientific, cultural and philosophical implications of a society which markets pleasant illusions to itself and ignores difficult realities.

Penetrate the illusion: look at the truth we suppress and the underworld it reveals.

User Journal

Journal Journal: King Crimson

King Crimson moved retrograde to the tendency to dumb down the medium into image and trivial yet novel variations on accepted form, and with Red the band reached a climax, fusing simplicity with a need for subliminal elegance and a finding a transcendental recognition of the relative balance between structure and content, fulfilling the prophetic words of Ornette Coleman: "The pattern for a tune, for instance, will be forgotten and the tune itself will be the pattern."

King Crimson Red Review and MP3 samples

A personal favorite, and a grandfather of all heavy metal.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Cro-Mags "The Age of Quarrel"

Cro-Mags - The Age of Quarrel

Archetypal hardcore punk, the Cro-Mags thrust aside social contrivance to speak a plain truth and tell everyone else to back off, in the process helping develop the techniques and realistic, neo-Machiavellian worldview later adopted by underground bands. "The Age of Quarrel" remains perhaps the most recognizable punk album ever created, and if you listen to American death metal, you can hear its influence clearly.

Review: Cro-MagsThe Age of Quarrel and Best Wishes

This CD is out of print.

Cro-Mags The Age of Quarrel MP3 download

Cro-Mags The Age of Quarrel FLAC download

User Journal

Journal Journal: Problems with beta index -- "You do not have permission..." 1

A friend reports that after switching to the new beta index, he gets these errors for Journal, Submit Story, and Help & Preferences:

"You do not have permission to use this resource."

Anyone else experience this? You probably don't have permission to reply. Can anyone direct me to where I'd bug-report this?

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