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Comment Re:Sad (Score 5, Funny) 314

I think a libation is in order.

I think I'll go down to my basement and gather up a buch of old through-hole resistors, caps, potentiometers, 555 timers and 74-series TTL logic. Then I'll fill a 40 oz bottle with them and slowly pour it all out on the ground.

Then maybe I'll scribble my full name, address and phone number on a 3-sheet carbon paper form one last time.

Comment Re:In the name of Allah ! (Score 1) 1350

Christianity has the same problem. If you haven't murdered every single homosexual you've ever encounterd, then you are disobeying the Bible. The crucial difference is that "Christians" have rejected the more barbarian aspects of their sacred and unchanging scripture (making them exactly what, I don't know) and all "Christian" states have rejected the integration of church and state. Islam is still stuck in its own Dark Ages.

Comment Re: Solve problems on Earth first (Score 1) 287

The problem is, gold has almost no intrinsic value. Its main usefulness is its scarcity. If you start bringing back large quantities, your "trillions of dollars" are going to disappear in a poof of nothingness.

The Spaniards discovered a similar problem when they appropriated the large amounts of gold easily available in the New World. They soon found themselves in a financial crisis brought on by the plummeting value of gold.

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