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Comment Re:May you choke on your own words (Score 1, Informative) 318

The government didn't create the internet. The government created ARPANET, which was nothing compared to the internet today. The internet sort of grew grew out of that, first at universities using ARPANET as a backbone and later through direct connections between ISP's, as well as using other existing networks (like CompuServe, AOL, etc) to connect one place to another. However today's internet is a very UNINTENDED consequence of ARPANET - which the government (including Al Gore) would love to lay claim to.

Comment Re:Good / Bad (Score 4, Interesting) 317

Funny I've lived there for over 25 years and never, ever had my car searched. Sure I've been pulled over for speeding. I've also been stopped twice at a road-block aimed at catching intoxicated drivers (like they have almost everywhere in the world including the "free" US). I've been stopped once and asked to provide ID and later learned on the news that there had been a pretty violent crime in my neighborhood. But just stopped to be searched for the hell of it? Never.

Comment Bureaucrats (Score 2) 417

If water were priced properly, it is a safe bet that farmers would waste far less of it

So by adding a "tax" on things or legislation that penalized farmers who are apparently mispricing due to not calculating the water they are "wasting", said bureaucrats will ensure a) that no food is produced in California and b) the cost of living increases as fuel costs are paid to have all food imported from out of state. Well done sirs, well done.

I'm willing to bet that the genius who came up with farmers "wasting" water has never been to a farm let alone worked one.

Comment Re:He got what he deserved. (Score 1) 317

Yes however let me make myself more clear - the person committing the suicide ALWAYS has a choice (to do it or not do it) right up to the last second. Murder leaves no choice. That's why can be guilty of murder. Suicide, however, leaves the choice to the person committing the act. Thus no one else can nor should be blamed. Yes I agree there are assholes in the world. I agree that anyone encouraging someone to commit suicide is reprehensible. But those people are not murderers.

Comment Re:HUH (Score 1) 341

Good choice of examples. Guess which percentage of plane crashes is caused by pilot error, error by the mechanic, other human error or intentional sabotage? I've just accounted for almost all plane crashes. The actual "mechanical failure" or "weather" causes are quite, quite small. Add that to the fact that cars aren't usually 30,000 feet in the air and subject to being destroyed by plummeting to earth, and I'd think the actual losses of people due to a failed system in a car to be quite small. Yeah maybe the guy whose car broke down in the middle of the desert or a blizzard. But he was going to die anyway in a regular car if that happened. Today's cars fail too.

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