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Comment A half truth (Score 0) 234

People that RTFA will realize that AMD's new CPU's only match the most current bottom-line Intel quad core cpu's.

Saying that, amd's offering does give you a good value for money and is in some cases significantly cheaper than Intel's offering. Adding to that fact is amd's discreet graphic offerings which are far superior to intel's offerings.

I imagine we'll see a lot of these amd chips and graphic offerings combined on the "budget" performance systems which is a good thing; they provide better performance (especially graphics-wise) than existing offerings in the same range :)

Comment Maybe not the best... (Score 1) 523

I type a lot in my line of work, but I also use the keyboard to navigate through documents.

I'm not a secretary nor would I call myself the most brilliant touch-typist in the world (or a grammar expert for that matter so don't bother), but I do appreciate a good keyboard.

I started my typing journey on a Macintosh type II keyboard around '91 sometime and have since gone through a selection of regular and laptop keyboards.

Now I don't care much for cool underlit keys and so forth, nor the wireless kind that constantly runs flat batteries, or ones with lots of fancy function keys (!!) but I did enjoy my Powerbook's soothing warm keys heated by the CPU placed squarely under the keyboard. Likewise did I enjoy my first logitech economical keyboard for my intel stationary.. I've completely forgotten where I was going with this rant... Hmm, must be something along the lines of:

All the keyboards I've ever liked I can't get brand new any more (no I don't fancy ebaying a "vintage" IBM keyboard just for kicks and to see if it actually works when it arrives).

Most of the keyboards I hated aren't made any more either.

What's up that?

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