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User Journal

Journal Journal: Of lost passwords and writing them down

Why do I get paged in the middle of the friggin night because "they" can't keep track of the passwords they use infrequently? How is it my responsibility to babysit the disorganized?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Running for the train

This morning I ran for the last express train. It meant the difference between getting to work by 9AM and 9:45AM. I was the last one to board a 7 car train, the conductor was very nice to hold the doors for me...

But, now I pay for it. I got a bad case of phlegm build up in my lungs and throat induced by the 2 block run from my car to the train. So, I wonder if making it to work 45 minutes earlier and not getting in trouble for being late was worth the pain and hacking cough I'll suffer through for the rest of the day?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Eating Easter eggs

Sitting here eating a couple of died Easter eggs I wonder if they truely are easier to crack and shell than non-died eggs. Does that tad bit of vinegar in the dye water significantly soften the shell or is it my imagination? Oh well, they taste good.

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Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.
