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Comment Re: Data Security Officer (Score 1) 192

Dude, msauve's proposed methodology is indeed tragically flawed, and you clearly haven't read the balance of the posts in this thread. Why are you so resistant to refutation of bad crypto advice? Are you positioned to benefit from deterministic systems which are advertised as cryptographically sound?

Comment Re:Anti-Competitive (Score 4, Informative) 69

I'm sincerely apprehensive about potential outcomes associated with Google becoming a domain registrar, but I'm accepting reversal of the mod points I've expended thus far on this story to strenuously object to to the thoughtcrime-based insinuation made in the following excerpt:

There is no way to prove that Google won't give priority indexing to domains it registers.

This is the logical equivalent to a forward-looking conviction on the same premises as Glenn Beck Raped and Murdered a Young Girl in 1990.

Comment Re: Data Security Officer (Score 1) 192

You're still completely wrong. I'm willing to spend my own money to ship you hardcopy references that will help you better yourself, in the hope that you will stop dispensing the sort of horrid advice you're continuing to regurgitate here. Why aren't you willing to take me up on this offer? Are you unable to provide a shipping address of any sort?

Comment Re: Data Security Officer (Score 1) 192

To be clear, advice similar to the sort you administered in the post I originally replied to is an apt explanation for why we have the number of massive failures in cryptographic functionality in software these days. You have absolutely no business even beginning to comment on this subject. May I please ship you a few hardcopy references?

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